Alabama CLE - Constitutional Law Courses

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Alabama CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Alabama State Bar Accredited CLE Sponsor. To view our full accreditation details please .

  • On-Demand
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    Statutory Interpretation: Do the Words “because of… sex” Include “Sexual Orientation” and “Transgender Identity”?

    The statement “…because of sex”, one that now appears on anti-discrimination forms, disclosures and even advertisements, are an essential aspect of employment discrimination. This CLE course will address this term within the context of discrimination and present prior United States Supreme Court litigation such as Hopkins and Oncale which raises the question of whether sexual orientation and transgender identity were included in the statutory definition of sex. The course will... More Info

    4.1General Credits
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    Current Trends in Asylum Cases: The Asylum Officer Rule

    Recently, new rules implemented by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice offers the ability to quickly grant asylum to applicant subject to expedited removal and eligible for asylum while promptly removing those who are not. These new rules are an attempt to streamline the asylum process and remove some of the load from the overburdened immigration courts. This CLE course will review this new mechanism with a specific focus on the due process rights of those... More Info

    1General Credit
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    War Crimes, Sanctions & The War In The Ukraine: A Review Of The Legal Aspects Of The Current War & The Laws That Apply

    Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a series of allegations of war crimes against Ukrainian civilians have been lodged against Russian forces. These allegations claim that Russia has carried out deliberate and indiscriminate attacks in densely populated civilian areas. Claims have been made that the use of cluster munitions – a weapon prohibited by 100 states because of the immediate and long-term danger they pose - have unnecessarily exposed civilians to immeasurable harm through the... More Info

    2.2General Credits
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    Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This fascinating CLE course will look at jury selection from the historical lens of diversity and race. The course will examine how the “all white juries” of the past resulted in infamous miscarriages of justice and how the Supreme Court has addressed the racial discrimination in jury selection going all the way back to the 1880’s. The course will take a particular look at New York State courts and how they have recently addressed this issues and then zoom out to look at what other sta... More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
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    The Hatch Act and Politics in the Federal Workplace

    This CLE course is specifically designed for attorneys who work for federal agencies and presents the many complex issues related to partisan politics and Federal employment. The course will discuss the 1939 Hatch Act (codified in 5 U.S.C. 7321 – 7326) as the “Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities” which still, after 80 years, prove challenging for Federal supervisors and attorneys alike. In today’s divisive environment it is particularly important for both attorneys and supervisors t... More Info

    1.1General Credits
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    Criminal Defense of #MeToo Cases

    The #MeToo era has resulted in more and more public sex crimes trials. This CLE course, presented by sex crimes defense attorneys and former federal prosecutors will discuss the nuances of sex crimes trial defense. The course will touch on unique criminal defense issues that should be considered during the investigative, pre-trial, trial and post-trial phases of a sex crimes case. The course will address strategies for using experts, how to address confessions and inculpatory s... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    Reasonable Accommodations for Employees Religious Beliefs Under Title VII

    Legally, employers are required to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees. But what does this right, ensured by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act actually require? How do we ensure legal compliance? This comprehensive CLE course will explain the compliance requirements under Title VII and how the interactive process differs from that of the ADA. The course will explain the potential pitfalls that might derail compliance efforts and tips and strategies to prevent non-compl... More Info

    1General Credit
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    ADA: Reasonable Accommodations and the Interactive Process

    Employment law is fairly complex and the ADA is one of the most complicated laws within the subject of employment law. This CLE course will make sure that employers fully comprehend their legal compliance obligations as required by the ADA. The course will cover how to engage the interactive process when an employee requests a reasonable accommodation as well as how to manage the process. The course will address how disability can be defined under the ADA as well as what constitutes re... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
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    ADA, ADAAA and EEOC Regulations

    The ADA and the ADAAA are notoriously difficult to understand and comply with, especially given the EEOC’s extensive regulations designed to ensure legal compliance. This CLE course will offer an in-depth explanation of the law and how to define disability within the construct of the ADA. The course will address the issue of reasonable accommodation for employees as well other pressing issues such as remote work, undue burden and how to navigate the interactive process of the ADA.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    A Quarter of a Century Later, HIPAA is More Relevant than Ever

    HIPAA has been synonymous with a patient's privacy and security since its inception over 25 years ago. Recently the failure of covered entities to provide patients with a copy of their medical records within a prescribed period of time set forth in the regulations has been a focus of OCR's enforcement. In addition to recent enforcement actions, reproductive healthcare has also become a primary focus, as well as its relationship to HIPAA, including the law enforcement exception, which m... More Info

    1.5General Credits
Decorative Arc

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