Alabama CLE - E Discovery Courses

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Alabama CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Alabama State Bar Accredited CLE Sponsor. To view our full accreditation details please .

  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    A Hundred Little Things: Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Leases, Focusing on Technology, Ethics and COVID Amendments

    This advanced CLE course is designed for a variety of lawyers. It will focus on the use of Google sheets and AirTable as well as the ethical issues related to such tools. Using a Prime Time TV sublease to dissect ethical issues, the course will delve into a variety of ways clients might be impacted by COVID with regards to leases and CRE long term, business and restaurant advisors, work from home issues and curbside eating and delivery. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Spy Torts: When the Other Side Overreaches

    This informative CLE course will present the common law and statutory causes of action related to privacy invasion. This may include wiretapping, trap and trace methods, tracking devices and video or other surveillance. The course will also focus on the case law related to invasion of privacy and its impact on claims in civil litigation, employment and family law. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    E-Discovery’s Emerging Ethical Challenges

    With the growing need to produce and examine ESI, attorneys must become technologically proficient. This informative CLE course will explore the challenges inherent in preserving and gathering ESI, managing a client’s use of social media and the many ethical issues that may arise as well as strategies to avoid them. The course will also address the ABA Model Rule 1.1 and the attorney obligation it contains. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Navigating E-Discovery and Its Emerging Trends

    E-Discovery is a dynamic, evolving area that was greatly impacted by COVID-19. This CLE course will review emerging trends in e-discovery as well as offer practical strategies in managing issues such as inadvertent or intentional destruction of electronic data. The course will address the expanding volume of data and the growing sophistication of analytical tools, AI and Technology Assisted Review. More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Redefining Communications Compliance for the Digital Age

    Join us in exploring how firms are tackling the compliance challenges and leveraging the opportunities presented by the growing reliance on mobile apps, social media, and other digital channels for communication. In this enlightening session, industry experts and representatives from FINRA will provide valuable insights on navigating the intricate landscape of firm communications with the public. The panelists will delve into a range of important topics, including lessons learned from F... More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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