Alaska CLE - Contract Law Courses

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Alaska CLE
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United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Comic Book Contract Negotiation and Drafting Practicum

    There are three agreements that are critical for attorneys representing comic book creators – the services agreement, the publishing agreement and the motion picture option/purchase agreement. With the help of veteran comic book publishing attorneys, this CLE course will explain best practices for negotiating these types of agreements from the negotiation to the drafting stage and also stage mock negotiations for participants. The course will also take into account specific issues such as page r... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Representing Comic Book Creator Clients: A Guide to Contractual and IP Issues

    The comic book business is a serious enterprise and representing comic book industry clients includes a variety of issues that attorneys need to know. This CLE course will address these issues and track the client\attorney relationship from concept through agreement. The course will present intellectual property issues, agreements for service, collaboration and publishing. The course will also explain what publishers tend to seek out in a comic book property as well as licensing issues and legal... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policies

    The always agreed to but rarely read Terms of Use or Terms of Service purport to act as a contract between a website sponsor and the user. The contract is essential to website sponsors, particularly to those where goods are sold, but are only enforceable under specific conditions. This 3 part CLE course will begin with the contractual terms that muse be included in the Terms of Use and will then briefly discuss procedures to ensure the Terms of use are effective under precedents of the federal d... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Owners’ Agreements for Start-Ups and Relatively New Companies

    Just as there can only be one captain of a ship, any corporation or LLC with more than one owner needs a prescribed chain of command, ideally pre-arranged and in written terms. This written agreement must set forth terms regarding governance of the company, how managerial decisions will be made, and by whom. Included in these agreements are also buy/sell terms, particularly relevant in the case of death, disability, retirement, etc. Presented in two parts by corporate specialist Richard Waxman,... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Franchise Law: Representing Franchisees from Courtship to Divorce

    Given the great disparity in negotiating power and the method by which franchise documents are drafted, franchisees are notoriously at a disadvantage. This course will look at the relevant federal and state laws and advise attorneys representing franchisees pre-sale, in-term and post-term. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Persuasive Legal Writing: Be Heard on Paper

    Writing is a key element to any legal procedure and the ability to produce clear, organized and persuasive documents may mean the difference between success and failure in any legal battle. This CLE course will present the principles of persuasive legal writing and explain how to structure and develop a strong legal argument that incorporates the standard of review and a clear outline of facts. More Info

    1General Credit
  • PAY OR PLAY: How to Make it Meaningful

    Pay or Play is a critical negotiation point in any entertainment industry contract. But how much should one be willing to lose over it? This CLE course will explore the importance of pay or play, how to strategically negotiate for it and its context within the overall contract. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Getting the Deal Done: A Discussion of Common Pitfalls Facing Dealmakers When Negotiating Film and TV Deals

    The smallest details can trip up even the most seasoned attorneys and case law is filled with examples of destroyed relationships, undone deals and expensive disputes resulting from lack of attention to common agreements. This CLE course will focus on some of the most prevalent legal and business pitfalls facing dealmakers, particularly those related to media figures such as producers, writers, directors and financiers. The course will review co-production agreements, including how to avoid gett... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty

    A fiduciary relationship is not always obvious and can be found in some unexpected places such as corporate or employment settings. Regardless, whenever there is a fiduciary obligation, the terms and extent of the obligations are critical to the legal rights and obligations between the parties. This CLE course will define fiduciary relationships and explore how fiduciary obligations re-define an overall relationship. The course will identify restrictions and responsibilities of the fiduciary and... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Beyond the Printed Page: An Overview of Licensing Comic Book Properties to the Film, Television Industries

    Some of the most popular movies, toys, television shows and videogames on the market today are based on comic books and their heroes. As their popularity grows, they are also the perfect targets for unlicensed derivative products such as fan art and merchandise, which generally results in infringement suits. This CLE course, designed to provide a look into the key issues involved in merchandise licensing of comic book properties will discuss how to preserve chain of title, audiovisual agreements... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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