Alaska CLE - Finance and Banking Courses

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Alaska CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Metaverse Law: Intro to ARVR, Issues, IP Ownerships, Monetization, Cyber Currency, and Licensing

    This CLE course will address the incredible breadth of tech law in the Metaverse, which still remains largely unregulated. The course will offer a review of the basic terminology – using terms everyone can understand – as well as how regulatory and statutory laws may apply to the Metaverse, how it polices itself and how it is monetized. The course will also delve into blockchain and security, intellectual property, cryptocurrency and other related issues with regards to funding... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Privacy and Cyber Breaches: Are You Next?

    It is critical for businesses, regardless of their size, to comply with state, federal and foreign privacy laws and regulations. These will govern a company’s procedures including data collection, storage, use, sharing and disposal with regards to personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI) and payment card information (PCI). A company that fails to adhere to privacy guidelines, even inadvertently or unknowingly, or to disclose its procedures, are simpl... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What You and Your Clients Need to Know About the USPTO’s Post-Registration Audit

    Deadwood refers to registration for marks that are not in use in commerce. Over the past few years, removing this deadwood from the Trademark Register has become an important priority for the USPTO. In recent years they instituted a permanent post-registration audit program requiring trademark registration filing a Declaration of Use to submit proof of use for two additional items in each class beyond the product for which a specimen was submitted. This CLE course will explain the post... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain: Understanding the Landscape of Legal Issues and Offerings

    Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are sources of tremendous confusion, particularly given the recent market upheavals and drastic swings in their value. Whether cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are a fading fad or the beginning of a new direction in currency has yet to be determined, yet legal analysis may have a decided impact on the verdict. This CLE course will address the legal challenges and their impact on the industry as well as several key issues which... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cryptomorphing The Legal Profession: Musings From A Stacker In The Rye

    Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency is a complicated area with a far-reaching impact on the legal profession. This CLE course will explore topics from the acceptance of cryptocurrency as payment for legal services to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology’s impact on payment systems’ security transactions, public record filing and smart contracts. The goal of the course is to motivate participants to learn more about this dynamic and exciting area of study. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    Issuing shares that are (nearly) tax-free is relatively simple when a small business or start-up first launches. When a shareholder or LLC member receives “sweat equity” or shares in exchange for labor, the tax and legal issues become a bit more complicated. This entertaining, fast-paced CLE course will explain the issues of treating “sweat equity” workers as regular employees as opposed to independent contractors, as well as explain the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues in Divorce Cases: Equitable Distribution, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support

    New York has utilized New Jersey’s equitable distribution law as the basis for their laws instituting and applying equitable distribution in all divorces. This CLE course will address the current applicable statutory as well as recent case law on the topic and offer strategies to best argue for your client’s financial situation. The course will discuss child support and spousal maintenance taking into account current statutes and guidelines and recent applicable cases. The cour... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Managing Your Client’s Series A Offering of Securities: A Step by Step Guide

    Before a start-up or early stage company is ready for its first round of venture capital, known as a Series A Round or Series A Offering, it typically goes through a number of informal financing rounds. To that end, companies will turn to founders, friends and even family members. If it’s successful however, the Series A offering of securities will involve a series of steps. This informative CLE course will offer a complete overview of the process including: reviewing and updating... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Secure ACT: Five Key Considerations

    This CLE course will explain the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement) and its impact on the nation’s retirement system. The course will address the five main focus areas of the SECURE Act and how, as an attorney, the law may affect your financial plan. The course will cover topics such as the new age requirements for RMD’s and age limitations on traditional IRA’s, distribution options for beneficiaries, flexibility and options with regards to 529 p... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Complexities of Acquiring Control: Where the Fed’s Control Rule Meets Other Regulatory Definitions

    The Federal Reserve’s finalized revisions to determining one company’s control over another for purposes of the Bank Holding Company Act and the Home Owners’ Loan Act have been completed and though the final rule codified existing control standards, it simultaneously introduced new concepts and raised critical questions about the industry. Since these revisions, the industry has continued to grapple with how these revisions should be applied, particularly as it applies to contractual r... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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