Alaska CLE - Finance and Banking Courses

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Alaska CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • An Introduction to Private Investment Funds

    There are many legal and practical considerations to account for when establishing a private equity, real estate or hedge fund. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive review of the Investment Company Acts of 1940 (the “40 Act”) relevant sections as well as those of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”), including the rules and commonly used exceptions to registration under these acts. The course will also undertake a review of relevant provisions of the Securiti... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Financial Planning for Lawyers

    Financial planning is about more than just retirement. This CLE course will address a variety of financial planning issues such as student loan debt, taxes, financial aid eligibility, and salary disbursement. The course will discuss the interrelationships between these factors and how to create annual budgets that account for them. Tax reduction strategies, family planning, loan repayment, planning for aging parents and estate planning will all be presented. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cryptocurrency, How to Find and Track it in Divorce Litigation

    Cryptocurrency is changing the financial landscape in many ways. One of those is the issue of hiding assets from divorce court. Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin can be purchased with cash, held electronically without any third party interference and transferred anonymously. This CLE course will offer attorneys a general understanding of cryptocurrency and how it operates. The course will explain how it is held by an owner and offer strategies for gathering information on a spouse’s tran... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cryptocurrency Primer: What They Are, How They Work, Their History, and Their Future

    Cryptocurrency is a complex area at the intersection of finance and law. This CLE course will explain cryptocurrency and its history as well as specific types such as Bitcoin and the origins of the various types. The course will explain digital tokens, governmental classifications and a look into the future of cryptocurrency. Issues of legality, constitutionality, and relationship to the gold standard and other valuations will all be discussed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Venture Capital Funds: Formation, Terms, Issues Encountered, and Other Practice Tips for Counsel

    Venture capital has made it possible for many young companies to grow into major corporations. By providing extensive financial and advisory support, they manage to accomplish these goals while sparing them from the scrutiny and disclosure requirements of the public market. Familiarity with the inner workings of capital funds as well as the various concerns they face such as regulatory issues are critical for attorneys. This CLE course will present an overview of venture capital funds... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Purchase Or Sale Of A Business, Or Part Of A Business: Documents Boot Camp

    The purchase or sale of businesses or ownership interest in a business require a tremendous number of documents. The primary ones include Asset Purchase Agreements, Stock Purchase Agreements and Membership Interest Purchase Agreements. This CLE course will explain and provide samples of all of these documents and others and explain when they should be implemented. Other documents to be explained include: Letters of Intent, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Authorizing Resolutions, Lien Search... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • The Basics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in Estate Planning

    The Bitcoin network came into existence in 2009 and since then, internet currencies have made incredible strides. Their credibility is such that cryptocurrencies are accepted as secure forms of payment, they can be digitally stored and do not require a bank or middleman. This CLE course will present the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and how they may be a factor in your estate planning. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Mortgages and Foreclosures in New York State

    The housing security of millions of Americans is being threatened by the shock of COVID-19. Federal, state and local judiciaries are moving quickly to prevent foreclosures and the ways in which a borrower’s home in New York State can be preserved. This CLE course will explain how the pandemic has affected mortgages and foreclosures. The course will review federal foreclosure moratoriums and forbearance of mortgage payments under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CA... More Info

    1General Credit
  • SPAC IPOs: Hotter Than Ever and How They Work With Forms

    A Special Purpose Acquisition (SPAC) requires special consideration. This CLE course will explain how to formulate, file and implement a public offering for an SPAC. Insights, strategies and examples will be used to illustrate the SPAC process. Presented by nationally-recognized and widely published attorney Dan Brecher, who has appeared on CNN, CNBC and countless others, the course will apply to attorneys who represent any type of business entity. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Collections in the Age of Covid

    COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on every industry, from the largest corporation to the smallest mom and pop shop. Unemployment is rampant and many people as struggling to stay afloat. Given the widespread loss of income, how can one be expected to repay loans taken before the crisis hit? And how to anticipate when payments could reasonably be made? This CLE course will explain the issue of outstanding receivables and the difference between commercial and consumer collections as they relate t... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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