Arizona MCLE - Employment Law Courses

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Arizona MCLE
Accreditation Info

Attorneys may earn all 15 Arizona CLE credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. Our online courses satisfy the State Bar of Arizona Regulations “Interactive CLE” definition. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Intermittent FMLA: Understanding an Employer's Obligations

    The difficult part of the already complex FMLA is understanding intermittent and reduced schedule leave. This informative CLE course will offer tips and strategies to understand the basics of taking intermittent and reduced-schedule FMLA leave and how to ensure compliance with the law. The course will offer a deeper understanding of the FMLA and how to violations of the FMLA and legal liability. The course will present: Scheduling FMLA leave Multiple methods for determining the 12-m... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ADA: Reasonable Accommodations and the Interactive Process

    Employment law is fairly complex and the ADA is one of the most complicated laws within the subject of employment law. This CLE course will make sure that employers fully comprehend their legal compliance obligations as required by the ADA. The course will cover how to engage the interactive process when an employee requests a reasonable accommodation as well as how to manage the process. The course will address how disability can be defined under the ADA as well as what constitutes re... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ADA, ADAAA and EEOC Regulations

    The ADA and the ADAAA are notoriously difficult to understand and comply with, especially given the EEOC’s extensive regulations designed to ensure legal compliance. This CLE course will offer an in-depth explanation of the law and how to define disability within the construct of the ADA. The course will address the issue of reasonable accommodation for employees as well other pressing issues such as remote work, undue burden and how to navigate the interactive process of the ADA.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Math as a Powerful Tool in Law: Criminal, Civil, Commercial, Employment and Chapter 11

    Surprisingly, statistics and probability are useful tools when handling various legal areas. This is particularly relevant for Title VII actions in which the numbers can reveal whether under-representation by certain minority groups have impacted pay, benefits or employment conditions or whether the differentials are due to chance. This CLE course will explain step-by-step the process of using statistics to make these determinations from defining the populations to taking mathematical... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Sports Law: New World, New Challenges

    The world of sports is undergoing rapid change in the last few years and will continue to do so. This CLE course will address the major legal issues and trends that are currently evolving. Geared for a general audience, it will take up a broad array of issues from name, image and likeness agreements to the increasing professionalization of college athletes and the role that school boosters have played. The course will also address recent Covid updates, new labor agreements and antitrus... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Employment Law Since #MeToo

    The beginning of the #MeToo movement can ostensibly be traced to when the New York Times published a bombshell expose that revealed decades of abuse and sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein, a previously untouchable Hollywood mogul. The article, entitled Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades, quotes a partner of the instructors' firm. Five years later, the #MeToo movement, a name inspired by sexual assault survivor and activist Tarana Burke, who years earlier h... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Staying Safe and Sound: Maintaining a Realistic Work/Life Balance in Uncertain Times

    With messages about COVID-related issues still flooding your inbox, broadcast on tv and argued over on social media, you are at an increased likelihood for anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts. Amongst the many concerns are concerns about being in crowds, whether to get another vaccine booster, fears about the health of your family and how you will manage the future in the “new normal”. Recent studies indicate a dramatic increase amongst those in the legal profession of impairm... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Preventing Your Worst Tech Nightmare: Protecting Your Firm and Clients from Cybercriminals

    Cyberattacks are on the rise and everyone is at risk. This CLE course will present a comprehensive plan for preventing cyberattacks and protecting your firm’s technology. The course will cover everything from an attorney’s ethical obligations with regards to technological competence to the cybersecurity myths that can invite harm. You will receive practical, concrete strategies to secure your practice against cybercrime as well as the leadership skills to create a culture of security-f... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Labor and Employment Law Update: What’s New and What’s Next

    This informative CLE course will present updates and developments to both New York State and Federal labor and employment laws. The course will address the latest requirements resulting from COVID, as well as unemployment insurance related to 1099’s, discrimination, sick leave, updates to hour and wage laws, workers’ compensation issues, electronic monitoring, non-compete and non-solicitation agreements, arbitration agreements and other tips and strategies for navigating these complexi... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Don’t Get Caught Without A Contractor’s License: The Downfalls and Damages of Working Without a License

    Violating license requirements can have serious consequences for contractors. The penalties tend to be severe and do not allow for equitable remedies. This CLE course will offer a basic overview of the rules in California and explain the consequences for contractors operating without one. The course will review the purpose of the licensing laws and how they are applied to contractors and those who perform construction services as well as exemptions to applicability. Recent case law c... More Info

    1General Credit
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