Arizona MCLE - Employment Law Courses

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Arizona MCLE
Accreditation Info

Attorneys may earn all 15 Arizona CLE credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. Our online courses satisfy the State Bar of Arizona Regulations “Interactive CLE” definition. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Understanding Religious Accommodations After The Groff Supreme Court Decision

    Employers must accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees according to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but understanding how to comply can be challenging. The recent Groff Supreme Court decision has redefined what constitutes an "undue burden" under Title VII. This course will guide employers on ensuring compliance post-Groff, detailing the interactive process under Title VII, and the appropriate documentation employers can request. In this comprehensive CLE c... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Navigating Legal Challenges and Issues in Telecommuting and Remote Work

    Organizations often implement telecommuting to assist employees with family responsibilities, health concerns, and disabilities, as well as to reduce commuting costs and offer flexible schedules. However, these well-intentioned plans can sometimes lead to complex legal issues. How do you defend against claims of discrimination when an employee is denied telecommuting? What if an employee insists that telecommuting is the only “reasonable accommodation” for a disability, even though the positio... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Visas and "Green Card" Options for Research Scientists

    This CLE course will guide you through the various visa and "green card" (permanent residence) options available to Research Scientists. Choosing the right option for your client depends on several factors, including sponsorship status, level of success, ability to provide compelling evidence of achievements and impact, and the significance of their work to the country. The course will cover visa categories such as J-1, H-1B, and O-1, as well as 'green card' options, including the PERM... More Info

    1General Credit
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