Arizona MCLE - Employment Law Courses

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Arizona MCLE
Accreditation Info

Attorneys may earn all 15 Arizona CLE credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. Our online courses satisfy the State Bar of Arizona Regulations “Interactive CLE” definition. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Regulatory, Contract, and Licensing Issues in the Hospitality Industry

    Tourism is big business in a city like New York, where even the residents are reliant on the hospitality industry. Hotels, restaurants, clubs and tours are all an inherent part of what makes New York City unique and business operators require up-to-date, accurate and reliable information to keep their businesses compliant with the city’s always evolving laws. This CLE program focuses particularly on restaurants and the challenges they face in opening a new space. The course offers a detailed ove... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Basics of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

    This CLE course will provide valuable insight regarding workplace discrimination laws and claims. The course will explain the various forums in which claims related to employment practice can be made as well as the procedural requirements, federal preemption of state laws, and concerns regarding the arbitration of discrimination claims. The course is presented by Tully Rinckey PLLC Partner Graig F. Zappia, Esq. who will draw on his vast experience as an employment law attorney. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Military Leave Rights and Landmark Cases

    This CLE course, designed for attorneys of all levels, identifies the types of claims that can be pursued under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and other applicable federal and state laws. Presented by Tully Rinckey PLLC Senior Associate Michael Macomber, Esq. who has extensive experience with federal employment law the course will explain how to identify the types USERRA in the context of representing both employees and employers, how to best advise client... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Workplace Shooting: Employers’ Legal Obligations and Survival Strategies

    The recent rise in workplace shootings has prompted employers to take measures to prepare their company and employees. Employers need to consider their legal responsibilities in the event of such an occurrence whether on company grounds or at a sanctioned or sponsored event. Questions such as whether to provide survival training and the legal ramifications of not providing it, as well as myriad other considerations, will all be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Franchise Law: Five Issues Facing Franchisors and Franchisees

    Today’s consumer market is filled with franchises. Whether in food services, clothing retailers, electronic or automotive sales, most businesses are led by franchises. As a result, there are numerous legal issues facing franchise businesses, both for franchisers and franchisees. This CLE course will examine the most crucial issues facing franchise businesses including personal guarantees, relationship termination, statutes of limitations and injunctive relief. The course will also review issues... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Uniform Trade Secrets Act: Your IP Backstop

    Designed to protect against those who wrongfully disclose, receive or exploit another’s trade secrets, the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) not only protects intellectually property but is self-protective against its own misuse. This CLE course will explain how the UTSA was crafted and dissect the Act to explain how to utilize it and how it’s been implemented in key interpretative cases. The course will include background on its development by the National Conference of Commissioners on Unifor... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • U.S. Immigration and Nationality Law: A Guide to the International Student Client

    International students studying in the US, whether it was their intent from the start or not, will often seek to stay as permanent residents. This CLE course, designed specifically for practitioners guiding international students while in school and post-graduation, will explain issues relating to how to maintain student status, options for employment authorization for F-1 students upon graduation, non-immigrant categories for students wishing to extend their stay and the process for becoming a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • What You Need to Know About New Federal Employment Laws

    On December 1st, a series of sweeping changes to federal overtime rules will come into effect. This CLE course will review the new rules and their impact from the pay raise that will result from the increase in salary threshold for overtime exemptions to the effect of raises on typically low-wage workers. The course will review the industries where the changes will have the biggest impact such as media, entertainment, advertising and hospitality, where until now even skilled workers couldn’t dep... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    The term implicit bias has received a great deal of attention lately and has been identified as the cause of unjust behaviors in everything from hiring practices to the legal system. But what is implicit bias and how rampant is it in reality? How much is just media hype? This CLE course will explain implicit bias, its origin, how it can be differentiated from explicit bias, legal action that may arise from it and the degree to it has impacted the legal system. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • You're Fired! How to Minimize Risk and Avoid Litigation

    Termination procedures are essential in avoiding lawsuits as a result of unlawful termination. This CLE course will explain proper procedures and the importance of adherence to them. The course will discuss the purpose and benefits of progressive discipline, how to ensure the implementation and consistency of policies and the dangers of incomplete employee performance reviews. More Info

    2General Credits
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