Arizona MCLE - Personal Injury Courses

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Arizona MCLE
Accreditation Info

Attorneys may earn all 15 Arizona CLE credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. Our online courses satisfy the State Bar of Arizona Regulations “Interactive CLE” definition. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Making the Most of Mock Trials

    Mock trials are similar to dress rehearsals – useful but not necessarily predictive. They are very useful in determining and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s case, but just because a mock trial is successful doesn’t mean the court case will be. Designed for seasoned litigators as well as novice, small firm practitioners, this CLE course will explain how to utilize mock trials as learning tools for gathering insight, practicing strategy and obtaining a view of how yo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Anatomy of a Slip and Fall Case from Start to Finish

    A winter storm brings unimaginable havoc, most of which is felt in the immediate inconveniences. But a recent major winter storm has had long-lasting consequences in the shape of ongoing litigation over slip and fall injuries. This CLE course will offer a hypothetical slip and fall case from the perspectives of three involved parties, plaintiff’s attorney, defense attorney, and meteorologist expert. The course will take you step-by-step through the chronology of meteorological events w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Skip Tracing for Lawyers

    Located a missing person is sometimes required of attorneys in most areas of practice, though more often for those practicing trust and estates, malpractice, debt collection, personal injury, and real estate law. Typically, with enough information, creativity and resources, attorneys can locate individuals without the services of private investigators or skip tracers. This informative CLE course, developed by a seasoned investigative attorney, will help lawyers develop basic people sea... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    Conducting a deposition takes skill, experience and training. This CLE course, presented by an esteemed attorney with a track record of winning high figure verdicts in motor vehicle crash cases, will explain how to conduct depositions in all states so that defendants are de facto expert witnesses in a motor vehicle crash case. The course will explain how to establish the negligence of a defendant using the “Holy Trinity” of motor vehicle crashes and how to gain access to legal preceden... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    Since the legalization of marijuana, its potency has risen and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).[1] It is the THC in marijuana which results in the “high,” and which can lead to addiction, violence, crime, mental illness, traffic deaths, and many other health and social problems. Many maintain that voters were not properly informed of these dangers when marijuana was legalized and that the current use and these levels causes harm that, had the public been aware, might have... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Truck Accident Litigation In a Nutshell

    Truck accident litigation is an important and complex area of law. This CLE course will provide a complete overview of the issue including those covered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, liabilities, statutory employment, and potential defenses in accidents that involve: Trucking company conduct Driver conduct Loading and unloading Intermodal transportation Underride collisions Forklift operations Driver fatigue FAAAA preemption Commercial motor vehicle insurance L... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Representing the Personal Injury Plaintiff: How The Sausage is Made

    Filled with practical information on how to best represent a plaintiff in a personal injury case, this CLE course will help you present the process to clients in terms they can understand and offer tips and strategies for avoiding potential pitfalls. The course will provide detailed instructions on how to make the financial aspects of a case work in your client’s favor, setting client expectations and how to actually get damage compensation from insurance companies. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • A Basic Overview of Tennessee Workers' Compensation Law

    Offering a comprehensive overview of the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Act, this informative CLE course will help attorneys navigate the many complexities of filing a worker’s compensation claim in the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and the Tennessee Court of Workers’ Compensation. The course will present information relevant to applicable affirmative defenses as well as how to determine the eventual outcome of a case that is brought before the Tennessee Court of Workers’... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Interplay Between Working and SSA Disability

    How does the Social Security Disability Program resolve benefit eligibility with those who continue to work? Can you retain your benefits even if you continue working? Presented by Freddie Effinger, attorney and owner of Effinger Law, LLC and practitioner with over 13 years’ experience in disability law work, this CLE course explains these issues as well as the “Ticket to Work” program and its impact on those who seek to test their ability to work without losing their disability benef... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Social Security Disability 101: What Attorneys Need to Know From Beginning to End

    Social Security Disability Practice contains within it a complex web of processes, challenges and analysis in order to successfully secure benefits for disabled individuals. This CLE course will present a comprehensive overview of the area, including an in-depth examination of the process, the various issues that may arise and how to present effective solutions. The course will offer critical insights into managing the complexities of Social Security Disability, and providing the skill... More Info

    1General Credit
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