Arkansas CLE - Personal Injury Courses

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Arkansas CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an accredited CLE Provider (3446) in Arkansas, approved by the Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Board. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Neuro Anatomy for Lawyers

    Lawyers are by no means medical professionals, and yet some client representation requires an understanding of anatomy, physiology and biology that is beyond the knowledge base of an attorney. This CLE course will offer the basics on musculoskeletal and neuroanatomy, and an understanding of the anatomical regions and how they may come in to play in expert witness testimony. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Overview of New York No Fault Claims and Litigation from a Defense Attorney Perspective

    Understanding the No Fault System is the first step in understanding No Fault Litigation. This CLE course will provide a complete overview of this system and explain who is eligible for New York State No Fault benefits. The course will explain how to determine the eligible injured party and explain when claims must be paid and/or denied and will present the possible defenses to No Fault claims as well processing and strategies for defending claims when they are denied. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Virtual Civil Jury Trial and Advanced Zoom Techniques: A Guideline for Remote Proceedings

    This three part lecture will explain the guidelines for conducting proceedings remotely. The CLE course will begin with advanced Zoom techniques covering the entire process from initiation through bench trial. The course will then proceed to explain the tools needed for a successful virtual civil jury trial and will conclude with a panel of lawyers and a judge who will describe their recent participation in a virtual civil jury trial and what they learned from the experience. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Navigating New York State No-Fault (PIP) Insurance Coverage: A Claimant Perspective

    With insurance companies resisting paying claims, the no-fault regulations are coming under increased scrutiny. This CLE course will explain the New York State no-fault insurance systems and the difficulties in navigating it. The course will simplify the complexities by explaining fee schedule changes, examining no-fault cases, and presenting how to file successful arbitration and defend examinations under oath. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Anatomy of a Dental Malpractice Action

    This informative CLE course will present recent malpractice trends in the dental industry such as frequency, awards and other types of claims against dentists. The course will address issues such as standard of care, informed refusal and informed consent. The course will also delve into why patients tend to sue their dentists and will also survey tort reform, particularly the limits on non-economic and special damages. The course will also recommend effective early resolution strategie... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Making Adverse Witnesses a Free Expert Witness

    The defendant’s testimony is the most effective way to prove the negligence of the defendant regarding his breach of a duty owed to the plaintiff. This informative CLE course will explain how to effectively question defendants to transform them into expert witnesses for the plaintiff. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Effective Use of Expert Witnesses in Your Case

    Expert witnesses are a critical component in assisting attorneys by making sure the client’s best interest is at the forefront of a case. Making sure everyone is on the same page, verifying the quality and quantity of available documentation, theories of liability and the cause of damages are all essential in increasing the likelihood of success. This CLE course will address the importance of the initial witness retention as well as their support throughout the trial. The course is des... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Direct Examination and Cross Examination: A Practitioner's Primer

    This CLE course will review the basic concepts of direct and cross examination. Designed primarily for a new practitioner yet useful as a refresher for seasoned attorneys, this informative CLE course will explain various theories of story-telling, persuasion, ethical issues in the preparation and examination of witnesses and organizational strategies in developing an examination’s purpose, substance, structure, tactical approaches, potential pitfalls and tips to avoid common mistakes.... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Meteorology and the Law: Hazardous Weather Preparedness and Litigation

    Weather-related lawsuits primarily stem from a failure to properly prepare for weather-related events, whether due to lack of knowledge or misinformation. Advance preparation for major or even minor weather hazards can protect lives, property and communities, particularly in a changing climate. This CLE course will introduce a survey of the field of forensic meteorology and explain how weather data is analyzed to reconstruct past events and anticipate future ones. The course will provi... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • I Want the Truth! How to Use Impeachment Effectively In Court

    Effective impeachment of a witness under the Federal Rules of Evidence requires both skills and strategy. This CLE course will offer a thorough analysis of the relevant rules of evidence, primary impeachment methods and tips for conducting an effective witness impeachment. Real world examples of impeachment during a trial will be presented. More Info

    1.25General Credits
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