Arkansas CLE - Practice Management Courses

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Arkansas CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an accredited CLE Provider (3446) in Arkansas, approved by the Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Board. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Emerging Post Pandemic Cybersecurity Issues for Lawyers

    Cybersecurity is an absolute necessity for law firms today. In the post-pandemic world, with attorneys working remotely and from a variety of devices and networks, the ethical and professional obligations with regards to competency, supervision and confidentiality are further amplified. Creating a defensible cybersecurity protocol means taking into account the process (technology) as well as the policies, such as incident response, business continuity, disaster recovery, work-from-home... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Anatomy of a Criminal Law Case

    This CLE course will present the basics of criminal law from a practical standpoint beginning with the initial phone call all the way through to the courthouse. The course will explain every part of the process from dealings with clients and their families to ADA’s, court staff and juries. Fee negotiations, pleas, cooperation agreements, Supreme Court procedures and motion practice will all be addressed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • E-Discovery Primer for the Luddite and Anti-Technology Practitioner

    This informative CLE course will explore the fundamentals of e-discovery and its process. The course will focus primarily on the federal rules that impact e-discovery as well as: data preservation the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) litigation/legal hold, document gathering and review forensics predictive, early case assessment predictive coding social media attorney due diligence The course will also offer an overview and demonstration of the navigation and use o... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Professionalism in Challenging Practice Areas

    High conflict litigation, immigration and criminal practice require an above-average standard of professionalism. How to achieve that standard, both in your practice and in your life, benefits both attorney and client, adds value and meaning to your work and enables practicing attorneys to go beyond the standard rules of ethics they are required to adhere to. This CLE course, using immigration law as an example, will offer guidance on how to apply the ideals set forth in the Lawyer’s... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    Recently new Power of Attorney laws came into effect. In this comprehensive CLE course, Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. of Forspan Klear LLP will explain the primary changes to the POA form and how to plan in accordance with these new changes. The course will review key items to include when preparing new Power of Attorney forms. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cultural Awareness, Tips, and Tools for Today's Legal Practitioner

    Understanding another’s culture, cultural influences and awareness are all characteristics for cultural awareness training. This CLE course will offer practical guides and strategies to develop cultural awareness including how to incorporate tools which facilitate understanding for productive negotiation, representation and conflict resolution. More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Gambling: The "Secret" Addiction

    Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health disorders are on the rise, leading to an increase in impairment in the legal profession. According to the statistics, 1 in 3 attorneys will need mental health services at some point in their careers. Yet there are other addictions, such as gambling, which is lesser known but can be just as damaging. The US Supreme Court Case of Murphy vs. NCAA upheld the legality of gambling across the country and in almost no time, Pennsylvania had on-line... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • Starting Your Own Firm & Scaling It

    Interested in starting your own firm but don’t know where to start? This CLE course will offer essential tips and strategies that will guide through the entire process. From leaving your old firm to launching a new one, the course will include pitfalls to avoid, approaching first clients and how to effectively scale your business and ensure long-term growth. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • No One Makes It Out Unscathed: The Effects of Trauma, Stress and Burnout On Our Lives

    Stress is a component of any attorneys’ day to day life. And ignoring it won’t make it go away. Shrug it off and the results can be catastrophic for you, your family and your business. Trauma, less discussed but not rarer, also requires immediate attention. Whether it is a direct trauma such as a personal loss or one being experienced vicariously, untreated trauma can have untold consequences. This CLE course will address issues of stress and trauma, particularly in the wake of COVID-19... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The False Claims Act & Cybersecurity: An Area Receiving Heightened Attention by the United States Department of Justice

    The False Claims Act has direct applications to cybersecurity violations. The recent Executive Order, as well as statements such as that of Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers who stated that “[t]he Department will continue to confront malicious nation state cyber activity with our unique tools and work with our fellow agencies and the family of norms abiding nations to do the same,” and that of another attorney who stated that “cybersecurity related fraud may be an... More Info

    2General Credits
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