Arkansas CLE - Practice Management Courses

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Arkansas CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an accredited CLE Provider (3446) in Arkansas, approved by the Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Board. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Client Intakes: Tips for Effective Sign-Ups

    Client intake is an essential part of the representation process and sets the terms of your relationship. This CLE course will explain how to conduct an effective client intake and how to use it to determine if and how you want to represent the client. Identifying case strategy, potential issues and managing expectations during the initial intake will be presented and discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Luck Favors the Prepared: Successfully Preparing Your Firm to Address Questions from Clients on Data Security & Privacy

    With cybersecurity and data privacy an increasing concern, a comprehensive privacy and security program is essential for any professional organization. Compliance with the various, and many times conflicting requirements of clients and the legal system may further complicate the matter. In fact, clients have begun to view both legal and accounting firms as “vendors” and have no problem issuing their own requirements. This CLE course will explain the fundamentals of a security and privac... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Ethics in the Era of Technology, Social Media, and the Pandemic

    The nuances of computer technology and data security are not exactly common knowledge amongst attorneys yet complying with today’s ethics related to the digital world is essential. This CLE course will address the many hidden dangers in the tools and platforms, including such basics as email, which many attorneys aren’t aware of. The course will explain how the practice of law compounds these dangers particularly when working from home. The issue hackers and other areas of risk managem... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Attorney Relationships and Challenges with Them

    The attorney/investigator relationship can be critical to success of a case. This CLE course, presented by Andrea Lyon and Ashley Nunn, lawyer and investigator, present tips to improve working relationships including the formation of a team with varying perspectives, awareness of blind spots, humility and the importance of open, regular communication. The course will explain the various issues that should be open between lawyers and investigators such as theory, strategy, evidence and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Plan Your Escape: Leaving the Law Firm for Public Sector Law

    Thinking of moving from a law firm to the public sector? This CLE course will tell you everything you need to know from analyzing the purpose of the move to whether you’ve considered all aspects of your decision. The course offers strategies and tips for securing a public sector legal position including the interview process, setting expectations and how to plan for your first few months on the job and your long-term success. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Law Office Succession Planning: Options & Ethical Rules

    Succession planning never seems like an emergency, but it is critical to ensuring your business’s future. This CLE course will address planning options available to attorneys for succession, including a focus on the difference between internal and external succession plans as well as contingency planning in the event of unexpected death or disability. The course will delve into how a practice may be valued as well as the many NY Rules of Professional Conduct that apply to the successio... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Best Technologies for Practice Development

    Estate planning practices, like those in other markets, have been drastically altered by technology. With most firms going paperless and utilizing cloud-based software, document generation software and other products to facilitate better interactions with clients as well as improved management and efficiency, the industry is seeing a serious upheaval in the way it functions. Remote work as a result of COVID-19 has had an impact as well. This CLE course will explore these changes and ho... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Avoiding and Responding to State Bar Inquiries

    The most common ethical missteps are often the most avoidable. Utilizing a variety of risk management tools, practitioners can learn which conduct and practices typically draw the attention of bar prosecutors or clients in order to avoid these potential pitfalls. This CLE course will identify and explain those tools and how to implement them as well as provide an overview on bar investigations and how to best respond to bar complaints and disciplinary letters should they arise should t... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Let’s Talk About Race: How to Get Potential Jurors to Talk About Race and Racism

    Conversations about race are always sensitive. This is particularly true today and even more particularly when it comes to juries. This CLE course will explain how lawyers should approach issues of race with potential jurors. The course will present the reasoning for why it’s important to have discussions about race and racism, the relevant legal issues and tips and strategies for addressing the issues. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Decide to Thrive: The Case for Lawyer Well-Being

    Lawyers are known for working insane hours, to the point of exhaustion and seriously ill health, This CLE course will explain how to get control of your life without damaging your business. The course will explain how to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle and still make a great living as a lawyer. The course will address the systemic health problems in the legal profession and will present 4 essential strategies for creating lasting change in the intense environment that attorneys inhab... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
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