Solo Practitioner Bundle - Arkansas CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Solo Practitioner Bundle. This Bundle contains 12 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures including 1 hour of Ethics

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Arkansas CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an accredited CLE Provider (3446) in Arkansas, approved by the Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Board. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
  • 2 Ethics
United Crest
Only $199
Save $156
Courses priced individually at $355
  • 2 Ethics

Solo Practitioner Bundle Includes:

  • $29

    The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction

    General Credits: 1

    Designed for both novice and seasoned attorneys alike, this CLE course will offer a basic overview to the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform legal tasks. Participants will be given the knowledge and perspective needed to successfully integrate AI into their work successfully,...

  • $34

    Mindfulness for Attorneys: Emotional Wellness & Well-Being

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This thought-provoking CLE will explore mental well-being within the legal profession as we spotlight personal narratives of burnout, recovery, and the challenges associated with mental health. Rooted in authentic experiences, this program provides tangible strategies to navigate stress and attain...

  • $29

    Starting, Managing and Growing Your New Practice

    General Credits: 1

    Starting a business is an overwhelming endeavor. Even if you have some clients lined up, managing a business can be daunting, especially for the inexperienced. This CLE course will address business and office management including location, rental issues, staffing, para-legals and law students....

  • $29

    How To Write a Persuasive Motion

    General Credits: 1

    There’s an art to drafting legal motions. This one-hour CLE course will help practicing attorneys looking to enhance their advocacy skills by offering tools for constructing engaging factual narratives, structuring compelling arguments, and navigating the stages of motion practice. The course w...

  • $29

    Understanding Religious Accommodations After The Groff Supreme Court Decision

    General Credits: 1

    Employers must accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees according to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but understanding how to comply can be challenging. The recent Groff Supreme Court decision has redefined what constitutes an "undue burden" under Title VII. This course w...

  • $29

    Family Based Immigration and Naturalization

    General Credits: 1

    This comprehensive CLE course will offer a complete overview of Family-Based Green Card and Non-Immigrant Dependent visas. The course will review the eligibility issues, filing processes, time-frames, qualifying relationships, and work and travel issues that arise while waiting for the green card f...

  • $29

    How to Use AI to Grow Your Practice

    General Credits: 1

    AI has exploded across all fields and is increasing productivity, performance, and profit. This CLE course will offer practical AI applications to help your law firm understand the potential of AI to optimize client communication, streamline tasks, and foster team development. The course will p...

  • $29

    Franchise Law: From Contract Negotiation to Litigation

    General Credits: 1

    Franchise agreements are a complicated process. This CLE course will review all the steps involved from term negotiation to signature. The course will also address litigation and/or termination and how to negotiate specific provisions that impact a client’s rights. The terms that are customaril...

  • $55

    Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Digital Frontier

    General Credits: 2

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is swiftly reshaping the legal industry, introducing new possibilities and posing significant challenges. Join our CLE course to gain a deep understanding of AI’s transformative impact on legal practice and learn how to integrate these advancements while maintaining leg...

  • $29

    The Business Side Of Your Plaintiffs Practice: Survival In The Dark Days and What To Do When The Sun Shines

    General Credits: 1

    Led by a panel of seasoned attorneys with vast experience managing their litigation practice, this informative CLE course will offer their insights in efficiently and effectively managing a litigation law practice in today’s environment. The course will focus on small and more medium sized firms an...

  • $34

    Navigating Ethical Challenges: AI Adoption in Legal Practice

    Ethics Credits: 1

    AI tools are being used to accomplish an untold number of tasks in countless industries, and their use is only getting more widespread. This CLE course will focus on the responsible use of AI in the legal industry and how to ensure your use is aligned with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct....

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from your home, office, or smartphone!
Only $199
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