California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
California MCLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .
Criminal Law Considerations for Military and Veteran Clients
This CLE course will explain how criminal law attorneys address calls from active military service members and veterans. The course will address issues such as dual civilian/military investigations, jurisdictional considerations, involved personnel, the impact of military or veteran status , military pretrial confinement and more. More Info
$291General Credit -
Overview of Social Security’s Decision Making Process
This CLE course will offer a comprehensive understanding of how Social Security determines if a person is eligible for disability benefits. The course will not only explain how disability is defined and assessed but will also present the disability analysis process used by adjudicators to evaluate if the requirements have been met. The course will walk you through the procedural steps of the claim process and ensure that you have all of the basic information needed to formulate an argu... More Info
$552General Credits -
Defamation and The First Amendment of Speech
The issue of defamation and its boundaries with regards to the First Amendment is fairly tricky. This CLE course will explain the evolving aspects of defamation as it relates to First Amendment rights. The course will significantly improve participants’ ability to identify and unravel issues that may be of concern to clients. No prior knowledge of defamation is required. More Info
$291General Credit -
Making the Most of Mock Trials
Mock trials are similar to dress rehearsals – useful but not necessarily predictive. They are very useful in determining and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s case, but just because a mock trial is successful doesn’t mean the court case will be. Designed for seasoned litigators as well as novice, small firm practitioners, this CLE course will explain how to utilize mock trials as learning tools for gathering insight, practicing strategy and obtaining a view of how yo... More Info
$291General Credit -
The Biggest Cybersecurity Threat of All - Human Behavior: How to Build a Security First Culture to Protect Your Law Firm
The most vulnerable part of your firm’s security is not in your technology, it’s in your employees. The vast majority of cyber breaches are due to human behavior, which poses the biggest risks to your cybersecurity. This CLE course will explain how to address that threat through training and education, employing strategies to ensure a security-first culture and survive in the face of cyberattacks. More Info
$291General Credit -
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Obligations for Lawyers
Focusing on the vast cyber threats to the legal community, this CLE course will explain why lawyers are such tempting targets to hackers. The course will explain the cost of data breaches and an attorney’s obligation to cybersecurity, particularly in the context of ESI. This course will include discussions on general ethical responsibilities that lawyers have when it comes to securing both their clients’ and opposing parties’ data. Discussions of the threat landscape, what to be on th... More Info
$341Technology -
Breathalyzer Tests: To Blow or Not To Blow, That is The Question
Refusing a breathalyzer test seems incriminating, but might be within a client’s rights. This CLE course will address Test Refusals – To Blow or Not to Blow, a program designed to systematically assist lawyers in handling phone calls from individuals under arrest for DWI. The course will not only explain how to answer the question, but also how to do so in a way that doesn’t incriminate the client. The course will also explain how to represent someone who is accused of refusing to subm... More Info
$291General Credit -
The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Art of Negotiation
The 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis just passed, and as one of the most examined crises in American history, it’s still a hotly debated topic. While it unfolded, it held the attention of the entire world. The ending seemed positive, but was that the result of careful mediation and wise, informed decision making, or was it just luck? This riveting CLE course will examine the negotiations that transpired during the crisis, the various actors and their decisions and how they... More Info
$291General Credit -
Things That Make you Go Hmmm... Points That Every Real Estate Attorney Needs to Know
Designed to provide further insight on matters that Real Estate Attorneys are familiar with but yet don’t know in-depth, this CLE course will address the how’s, why’s and when’s of important issues that arise in real estate law. The course will also expand knowledge and understanding of new development, legislative efforts to legalize illegal apartments, ineffective deed transfers and the most recent regulations related to notary publics. More Info
$812.75General Credits -
Landlords’ Concerns in Airbnb-ing
Led by author and leading landlord-tenant practitioner, this CLE course will draw on vast experience representing landlords in litigation arising from tenants who sublease their apartments for short term rentals. This often occurs in violation of the law, and of their lease. The course will take a multi-faceted look at the dangers for landlords and for apartment community and offers options for landlords to respond to these violations. The course will conclude with a presentation on l... More Info
$291.25General Credits