California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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California MCLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Navigating the SEC and CFTC Whistleblowing Programs

    Whistleblower programs are not a particularly well known or understood feature of the various entities which have them, including the SEC, IRS and CFTC. This CLE course will present an overview of these programs including eligibility, anonymity and the whistleblower process. The course will review the steps needed to file a claim with each agency and explain how claims are analyzed. The course will then delve deeper into the various ambiguities in the whistleblower awards process and p... More Info

    1General Credit
  • BIZ BUZZ: Starting, Buying and Selling Small Businesses

    Launching, buying, selling or franchising a business requires many steps, in-depth analysis and an understanding of the various legal issues. Big Buzz covers the five different methods small entities leave or enter into a small business. This CLE course will address these methods from a variety of perspectives – that of an attorney handling more than 30 closings a year, that of an owner of both successful and failing businesses, and that of an investor in many small businesses. The cou... More Info

    2General Credits
  • You Won! Now What? Collecting Civil Judgments Under Illinois Law

    Even if you successfully prosecute a civil case to judgement, clients aren’t typically satisfied unless they receive money at the end of a case. This is particularly important for attorneys who work on the basis of contingent fees. In cases where a judgement debtor does not have insurance, or when the judgment exceeds its limits, it’s critical to understand collection law to ensure that everyone, including you, is paid in the end. This CLE course will present the basics of a collection... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Basic Overview of Tennessee Workers' Compensation Law

    Offering a comprehensive overview of the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Act, this informative CLE course will help attorneys navigate the many complexities of filing a worker’s compensation claim in the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and the Tennessee Court of Workers’ Compensation. The course will present information relevant to applicable affirmative defenses as well as how to determine the eventual outcome of a case that is brought before the Tennessee Court of Workers’... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Was the Pandemic a Short or Long Term Bankruptcy Sickness

    Designed to offer a general overview of bankruptcy law, this CLE course will include a general description of the history of bankruptcy law as well as a description of the various chapters of bankruptcy, their function and how they differ. The course will address recent, significant amendments to the Bankruptcy Code, and explain how and when to complete a Chapter 13 form plan. A brief description of bankruptcy filing statistics and secondary sources for legal research will be presented... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Expertly Examining the Expert Witness: Depositions, Hearings and Trials

    Designed to help attorneys prepare for and examine expert witnesses, this informative CLE course will explain how to gather and assess information in preparation for a deposition or trial testimony of an expert, as well as how to formulate a comprehensive inquiry for the examination of an expert witness. The course will address how to present the relevant background of your expert and the areas in which they have approval and standing to render expert opinions. The course will al... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • War Crimes in The Star Wars Universe Episode V: Conflicts, Disputes and More

    In this episode, we will explore the legality of Darth Vader’s droid program under international law and the law of armed conflict as well as its parallels to today’s drone programs. This CLE course will examine the Battle of Hoth, the role of military contractors such as Boba Fett in the law of war, whether Lando Calrissian’s trickery of Luke Skywalker and his friends constitutes a potential war crime, Darth Vader’s questionable treatment of detainees and the legal ramification of Luk... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Workplace Conflict Resolution Through Mediation and Arbitration

    It may seem counterintuitive but conflict in the workplace can actually be healthy for an organization’s growth, provided that varying points of view are communicated in a balanced manner. But more often than not, conflict will trigger reactions and defensiveness, leading to irresolvable conflicts. This is when the intervention of a neutral party becomes essential. This CLE course will explain the purpose of mediation as well as its many benefits of this course of action. The topic wil... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethics in the Digital Era: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, posing a great challenge to law firms. Between the Ethical Rules of Conduct, your individual state’s regulations on professional conduct and the potential for financial and other penalties, it’s critical to recognize and take steps to prevent as well as reduce the impact of data breaches. This CLE course will explain various strategies to prevent data breaches, cybersecurity and the ethical and legal obligations in the wake of a breach.... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Do you suspect someone is violating your trademark? What about your copyright or patent? Are you interested in safeguarding your invention through a patent? Is it a priority for your business to clear and register your trademark and copyright? Are you considering a licensing agreement as either a licensor or a licensee? Do you require assistance with your talent agreement? Are you interested in learning how to maximize the value of your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising... More Info

    2General Credits
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