California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
California MCLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .
The NYC Board of Standards and Appeals: How to File an Application
Seeking a zoning variance requires one to file an application with the NYC Board of Standards and Appeals. First established in 1961, NYC Zoning regulations made certain tax lots regulated and need relief. The BSA was created to provide this type of relief in the case of overregulated properties. This CLE course will offer a detailed explanation of the application process for a variance, which is targeted to a single tax lot, not multiple lots, and which serves to alleviate a zoning i... More Info
$552General Credits -
The Mathematics of Estate Tax Planning
There are vast differences in how the federal estate tax varies depending on the financial dynamics that apply to each family. These are both influenced by and impact growth, values, spending, income tax rates, discounts, and many others. Any attempt to apply common strategies without being specific to the parties involved will result in less-than-optimal planning results as well as unnecessary federal estate tax payments. More problematic is the failure to consider income tax implication... More Info
$291General Credit -
Getting and Keeping Cases From The Plaintiffs Perspective: Delivering on Your Promises of Performance
Led by a team of experienced panelists, this CLE course will offer a practical overview of how your business can attract clients, and address how firms can market themselves considering their relative experience and firm resources. The affordability of television and media advertising, and what the alternatives are for those without the resources for such ventures, will be discussed. The course will also present the importance of client relationships and how they are maintained, as wel... More Info
$291General Credit -
The Business Side Of Your Plaintiffs Practice: Survival In The Dark Days and What To Do When The Sun Shines
Led by a panel of seasoned attorneys with vast experience managing their litigation practice, this informative CLE course will offer their insights in efficiently and effectively managing a litigation law practice in today’s environment. The course will focus on small and more medium sized firms and address a series of management issues with an emphasis on overseeing intake, case load, and operations. The course will also address attracting and processing new clients and the intricacies... More Info
$291General Credit -
Green Cards Based On The Violence Against Women's Act
Passed by Congress in 1994, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) has since been reauthorized multiple times, most recently in 2013. This fascinating CLE course will explore the VAWA as it applies to immigration, where it offers crucial protections to immigrant survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and trafficking, a crucial and necessary process to know and understand. The course will explain the laws enacted by VAWA which ensure that immigrants can break free from abusive s... More Info
$291General Credit -
Data Privacy in Higher Education
This CLE course is tailored for attorneys seeking enhanced insight into the distinctive data privacy challenges pertinent to the realm of higher education. Given the multifaceted nature of colleges and universities, adherence to data privacy regulations is paramount, affecting students, staff, alumni, donors, and the institution's operations at large. The course aims to furnish a comprehensive introduction to the intricacies of data privacy within the higher education sector, addressing... More Info
$291General Credit -
The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction
Designed for both novice and seasoned attorneys alike, this CLE course will offer a basic overview to the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform legal tasks. Participants will be given the knowledge and perspective needed to successfully integrate AI into their work successfully, ensuring their practice remains competitive and relevant. The course begins with a breakdown of AI and Machine Learning (ML), and explains each one’s practical legal applications. The course... More Info
$341Technology -
Basic Business Lawyering For Small Company Clients
Small companies have specific legal concerns, and they are not always the same as those that apply to medium or large companies. Their legal needs may differ as well. This informative introductory CLE course will help new attorneys planning to practice business law as well as seasoned attorneys looking to pivot to the area and represent smaller companies, typically described as those with less than $100M annual revenue and fewer than 500 employees, with the skills to navigate these are... More Info
$1073.75General Credits -
The Mathematics of Charitable Planning
Giving funds to charities helps people, communities and causes, and also helps the giver, saving tax dollars and providing recognition and security. Making charitable giving a part of a client’s plan can be a useful tool for tax, estate and charitable planners. The most popular techniques for tax and charitable benefits include: Charitable Remainder Trusts Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts Qualified Charitable Dispositions of IRAs Transfer of Remainder Interests This infor... More Info
$291General Credit -
The Use of Investigators in Litigation Matters
Lawyers play a pivotal role in litigation matters through thorough investigations. They delve into the parties involved and the factual backdrop using various methods like third-party investigators, scouring public records, witness interviews, and sometimes surveillance. Occasionally, lawyers also probe into their own clients or witnesses to ensure accuracy in representations or to address suspicions of deceit. Understanding clients' backgrounds aids in crafting effective strategies, e... More Info
$291General Credit