California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
California MCLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .
Powering Up: Video Game Law for Attorneys
Video games have evolved beyond mere entertainment and are now a serious industry. While the people scour the world for Pokemon, hundreds of thousands of people are hard at work looking for the next game to capture our imaginations, and our time. As these games and characters develop, new laws and regulations are developing around them. In fact, every new title that is created comes with its own contract and legal issues. This CLE course will explain what people in the industry, as well as their... More Info
$291.25General Credits -
Ethical Issues Facing In-House Counsel
Without the structure and communication with other attorneys inherent in a typical law office, a company’s in-house counsel may find themselves faced with myriad ethical quandaries. Privileged communication, contact with former employees, conflicts of interest and electronic discovery are just some of the conflicts that can arise on a da-to-day basis. This CLE course will provide an in-depth explanation of these potential issues as well as provide techniques for problem solving a series of hypot... More Info
$651.5Ethics Credits -
What You Need to Know About New Federal Employment Laws
On December 1st, a series of sweeping changes to federal overtime rules will come into effect. This CLE course will review the new rules and their impact from the pay raise that will result from the increase in salary threshold for overtime exemptions to the effect of raises on typically low-wage workers. The course will review the industries where the changes will have the biggest impact such as media, entertainment, advertising and hospitality, where until now even skilled workers couldn’t dep... More Info
$291General Credit -
Cybersecurity Compliance Issues: What You Need to Do and How You Can Do It
The dangers posed by cyber-security breaches has been felt in every industry, every branch of government and even private individuals. For general counsel and compliance officers, it is perhaps the primary concern facing them today. This CLE course will present the regulatory environment for the financial services industry as it compares to other industries and examine the standards, audits, and ethical responsibilities they entail as well as explain how to conduct employee training and examin... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
3D Printing: Legal Protection for 3D Objects and Product Designs
Technology today develops faster than the legal system and regulations are often running to catch up. Such is the case in 3D printing, which enables anyone to create virtually anything from household items to machinery. This CLE course will explain copyright protection in light of the newest technology in 3D printing and how artists, manufacturers and designers can assert legal protections. The course will use the Star Athletica case to illustrate the regulations as well as provide a comprehensi... More Info
$291General Credit -
Tax Aspects of International Estate Planning
The United States is known as one of the greatest financial and tax havens on the globe. Not only do international investors benefit from the investment opportunities in real estate and other assets in the US, but US-based investors spread their wealth by capitalizing on opportunities in countries across the world. This CLE course will provide an understanding of the related tax issues to estate planning, including benefits and potential pitfalls in the realm of international investment. More Info
$291General Credit -
Workers’ Comp: Its Synthesis and How to Run a Successful Boutique Comp Practice
An employees’ most effective and exclusive remedy against an employer for indemnity and medical benefits resulting from a work-related injury, workers’ compensation law represents an administrative, no fault claims process rather than a lawsuit. This CLE course will provide both a comprehensive understanding of the process as well as tips and strategies for operating a successful, boutique workers’ compensation practice. The course will explain the law as it pertains to New York and review clien... More Info
$291.25General Credits -
Understanding IP and Attorneys’ Use of Technology
With the internet making information available to anyone with wifi, intellectual property protection is more relevant than ever. This CLE course will explain the principal elements of Intellectual Property Protection, the process, international considerations and common misconceptions. The recent passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act, the first federal civil cause of action for trade secrets, will be introduced. The second part of the CLE course will be built upon the foundation of the firs... More Info
$551.75General Credits -
The New York City Zoning Resolution at 100: Land Use Controls In New York City Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
The history of New York City’s Zoning Laws offers a view into the development of the city itself. Tracing it’s evolution over the past century, this CLE course will go from a view of the past to a lesson in the current day by explaining the origins of the Zoning Resolution, as well as recent initiatives adopted by the City Planning Commission and City Council. The course will then look ahead at City Planning Department outlooks and studies which may impact future legislation. The course will inc... More Info
$552General Credits -
Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision in U.S. v. Salman on the Law of Insider Trading
How does the 2016 ruling in US v Salman impact decisions such as US v Newman and other insider trading issues? How does the personal benefit requirement work and in what way does it ease the government’s burden? This CLE course will explain when the relationship between tipper and tippee satisfies personal benefit and how to resolve these issues in the wake of the Salman case. More Info
$291General Credit