California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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California MCLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Standard Essential Patents & FRAND Damages: The New PAE Frontier

    The Supreme Court’s Alice decision effectively limiting software patent-ability has significantly slowed lower-end patent assertion programs while Standard Essential Patent suits have grown in number with the Patent Trial & Appeal Board post-grant proceedings. Filed by patent assertion entities (PAE), patent aggregators, and practicing companies, these complex suits generally relate to infringement and require and in-depth understanding of the product’s chipset. Yet that information is often n... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Understanding Startup Issues: From Formation to Funding

    Startups seem to be forming on a daily, maybe even hourly, basis. Which will succeed and which will fail is somewhat dependent on the strength of the idea, but even more so on an entrepreneur’s ability to move the innovation through the initial phases of development and launch. This CLE course will explain this startup process and how to move an idea through the initial concept to a scalable product or service that can compete in the market. The course will explain the types of entities that o... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • LIHTC & Affordable Housing

    With cities experiencing a staggering population explosion, the number of affordable housing units has dwindled. To address the issue, the federal government created the LIHTC program, which has financed and built nearly 100,000 affordable units each year since it was launched. The project dramatically increases the number of affordable units, generating over $3.5 billion in tax revenue. This CLE course will explain how the program operates and what differentiates it from other programs. The... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Tax, Financial and Legal Implications of Elder Care Planning

    This CLE course will address Medicaid and Elder Care planning In light of various tax, legal and financial considerations in the coming year. The course will discuss asset and income requirements for long term Medicaid eligibility, as well as the tax issues that tend to arise in the context of elder care planning including basis issues and real estate tax exemptions. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Diversity In The Legal Profession, But Were Afraid to Ask

    A survey of the hot button topics concerning diversity and inclusion in the legal profession not just through stats and theory but real life experience. A frank discussion of the real reasons our profession lacks diversity; the harm not just to the larger culture but to our bottom lines; and what has to change for our profession to adequately reflect and serve the larger culture. More Info

    0.75Elimination Bias
  • Fundamentals of Student Loan Law

    Student loans are a growing concern. With over $1.6 trillion in debt and over 44 million borrowers, the need for borrowers’ consultants has never been greater. This CLE course will present a variety of avenues to resolve defaulted loans, discuss repayment options, loan forgiveness programs and a variety of other remedies available including discharge through bankruptcy. The difference between federal and private student loans, implications and strategies in cases of default, eligibility requir... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • The Rabbinical Court in the American Legal System: Procedures & Processes

    This panel discussion covers a myriad of topics relating to the adjudication of cases in arbitrations before rabbinical courts.  Topics include enforcement of beit din (rabbinical court) awards in court, constitutional challenges to beit din adjudication of cases, and choice of law issues in beit din. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The Beth Din of America and Agunah Prevention

    The issue of pre-nuptial agreements in Jewish marriages is typically meant as prevention of agunahs (where a husband’s unwillingness to participate in the divorce process traps women in marriages against their will). This CLE course will present the detailed discussions of the Beth Din of America agreement process as well as the newer documents created by other rabbinical courts. The course will also explain the case law that has emerged as a result of the Beth Din of America’s enforcement of... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Maintaining an Ethical Law Practice and Understanding Ethical Issues and Obligations

    Practicing lawyers must do everything in their power to properly represent their client, but that does not mean they are exempt from certain ethical obligations. This CLE course will present the main issues in ethics and ethical management. The course will address issues such as attorney competence and compliance, particularly in the realm of technology, supervising lawyers, non-lawyers and subordinates, conflicts of interest, personal interests, client confidentiality and exemptions. The cour... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Estate Administration, Estate Planning and Lien Resolution Basics for Personal Injury Attorneys

    There is a complex set of requirements for establishing an estate fiduciary in order to continue to pursue personal injury and/or wrongful death actions. This CLE course will offer personal injury attorneys with a basic understanding of the estate administration requirements as well as insight into the ramifications of a case settlement for personal injury and\or wrongful death. The course will also explain the basics of resolving outstanding liens as part of such a settlement. More Info

    1.75General Credits
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