California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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California MCLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Bank Regulatory Basics for the Non Banking Lawyer

    Traditional corporate and business lawyers must have a firm grasp on the many regulatory issues which shape corporate law. Banks, however, are not corporate entities but rather are the creations of law, both federal and state. Therefore, it is incumbent upon non-banking attorneys to study the regulatory issues which dictate banks and banking, including investment banking. This CLE course, designed specifically for non-banking attorneys, will explain what banking is and comprehensively re... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Negotiating Skills for Lawyers: How to Win Gracefully

    The theatre business is one of meager opportunities, unpredictable personalities and greatly inflated egos. And so there is perhaps no better industry in which to hone one’s negotiating skills than theatre. This CLE course, presented by a veteran negotiator of the theatre industry, offers general guidelines as well as specific strategies that can be applied to nearly any industry. Amidst a wealth of entertaining anecdotes, the course reviews: Assessing your bargaining power Prioritiz... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Junk Science or a Ticket to Freedom: An Analysis of Forensic Evidence

    Junk science or a ticket to freedom? Forensic science, the stuff of blockbuster movies, TV dramas and true-crime novels, has transformed the way the legal community thinks about evidence. But surprisingly, the buzz surrounding forensics has focused on two primary areas: its use to exonerate criminals and its lack of exposure to real scientific scrutiny. In this fascinating and contemporary CLE course, renowned attorney Jeffrey Schwartz explains the basics of forensic sciences and its application... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • A Guide to Ethical Billing Practices and Retainer Agreements

    Retainer agreements and billing systems have evolved. And courts and disciplinary committees have taken notice. Today, Judges are more inclined to write down legal fees, and disciplinary authorities are questioning lawyers whose agreements and bills violate the rules. A sound retainer agreement and clear bills can contribute to a healthy client relationship. How to tighten up your retainers and bills to ensure smooth payment and keep client relationships in tact? Join Frankfurt Kurnit ethics... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • When Brotherly Love Goes Wrong: Defending Against Constructive Trust Claims

    The first thing we learned in law school is that if you don't have a written contract for real estate, you cannot seek to enforce an agreement concerning that real estate. No contract, no sale. But there is an exception to the rule: a constructive trust. Unfortunately, constructive trust cases are often filed by family members with an axe to grind against other family members. An angry brother or sister can tie up your client's real property for years, based on nothing but a few conc... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Laws Of Arbitration As It Applies to Rabbinical Courts

    According to Jewish law, it is a requirement to settle legal disputes in the rabbinical, rather than secular courts. Known as a Beit Din, rabbinical courts are dictated by rules and procedures that most attorneys are unfamiliar with. This CLE course will explain how to navigate the rabbinical court system, how to craft arbitration agreements, the rules of marriage and divorce and the relationship between the rabbinical and secular court system in enforcing judgments. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Outbound and Inbound Taxation: An Overview of U.S. Tax Law

    International finance has been around since the days of the ancient spice routes, but the complexities of doing business abroad have grown exponentially. This CLE course reviews the tax consequence from both ends of the transaction—Americans doing business abroad and foreigners bringing their business to the US. The course will pay particular attention to structuring options for all types of transactions including that for ownership of real estate and cross - border joint ventures. The... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal and Practical Considerations for Recruiting, Vetting and Hiring Professional Employees

    As representatives of the law, attorneys must be scrupulous in their hiring practices and pre-employment background checks are an absolute must. This CLE course will explain how attorneys can properly use pre-employment checks not only to avoid a bad hire but to maintain legally compliant hiring processes. The course will teach tips and strategies for crafting permissible inquiries, avoiding missteps in new hire compensation and following up on red flags in the hiring process. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Piercing the Corporate Veil: When Can Owners Be Personally Liable?

    A shareholder’s personal liability for the debts of a corporation is generally considered negligible at best—liability lies with the corporation itself. But there are exceptions and under particular circumstances, parties seeking compensation may address their claims directly to the shareholder. This CLE course will review the various principles that guide the courts in determining when to “pierce the corporate veil” and how those claims should be pursued, whether in defense or pursuit. The co... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Appealing and Litigating Health Care and Long-Term Disability Insurance Denials

    Even the highest premiums won’t protect patients from being denied medical insurance claims. The scrutiny under which the health care system places medical procedures and long-term disability care has made the denial of claims increasingly common, not to mention frustrating. But before filing an appeal, it’s imperative to understand the appeal and litigation process. David Trueman presents this fascinating CLE course in which he explains the various types of medical insurances and their areas... More Info

    1.75General Credits
Decorative Arc

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