California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
California MCLE
Accreditation Info
United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .
Are they Listening? Electronic Surveillance: The Basics of Wiretap Defense
It’s not all paranoia – law enforcement is often listening to your client’s communications and those communications will find their way in the case against your client. This CLE course will explain the statute covering federal electronic surveillance, which is required in order to understand how they are used in both state and federal electronic surveillance prosecutions. The course provides a basic understanding of the federal statute as well as ways to attack electronic surveillance... More Info
$291.25General Credits -
Luck Favors the Prepared: Successfully Preparing Your Firm to Address Questions from Clients on Data Security & Privacy
With cybersecurity and data privacy an increasing concern, a comprehensive privacy and security program is essential for any professional organization. Compliance with the various, and many times conflicting requirements of clients and the legal system may further complicate the matter. In fact, clients have begun to view both legal and accounting firms as “vendors” and have no problem issuing their own requirements. This CLE course will explain the fundamentals of a security and privac... More Info
$291General Credit -
Representing Applicants before State Liquor Authorities and the TTB
It’s difficult to imagine a time when the sale of alcohol was prohibited. Yet the current three tier system for the manufacture, distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages in the US was the result of prohibition. This CLE course, presented by Arielle Albert and Keven Danow, will present the regulatory schemes that states adopted to address these issues before the prohibition when states either took control over sales, elected a licensing scheme or remained dry, or at least partially... More Info
$291.25General Credits -
Litigating Successfully: Understanding Commercial Division Rules Adopted by the NY Trial Courts and More
The new Uniform Rules of Court for the NY Supreme and County Courts have been adopted with the intent of adding selected Rules of the NYS Commercial Division. This CLE course will identify the new rules as well as explain how these new rules impact their litigation in New York State courts. The course will ensure you are knowledgeable on how these rules apply. More Info
$291.25General Credits -
Every-Day Ethics and Playing By The Rules
Representation of clients who commit DUI’s as well as other vehicular and criminal offenses can pose a variety of ethical dilemmas for representing counsel. More often than not, these issues arise as a result of conflict between the client’s needs, the license to practice, the prosecutor and the court’s obligation to maintain a truth-seeking process. This CLE course will explain these issues and offer first-hand knowledge in balancing conflicting interests while remaining focused on su... More Info
$341.25Ethics Credits -
Employment Agreements: Protection for All Involved
Employment agreements join the parties, where one or both are individuals, over short or long time periods. In order to be effective, these agreements must be regarded as advancing and protecting the self-interests of both parties. They must include the conditions of employment, responsibilities of each party, compensation, benefits and standards as well as factors that would trigger early termination. This CLE course will present how these agreements should be built, the inclusion of... More Info
$291General Credit -
Basics of IRA Taxation & Investment Rules
All IRA’s follow a system of basic taxation rules. These apply to Traditional IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, SEP IRA’s and SIMPLE IRA’s. This CLE course will offer a detailed overview of these rules as well as the prohibited transaction and unrelated taxable income rules that may apply to retirement accounts. The course will present the history of the US retirement system as well as the contribution, distribution and other tax rules that relate to specific IRA’s. An investigation of investment tre... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
Privacy Law & Policy: Keeping Clients Out of Regulators’ Crosshairs
Consumer-facing businesses are under growing compliance pressure with the evolving privacy laws such as California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other enhanced state data breach laws. This informative CLE course will offer a solid background on both current and emerging federal and state privacy gaps and explain how to advise clients on compliance-related issued. The course will present real-world events as well as enforcement actions and explain privacy requirements and challenges... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
Ethical Considerations in Conducting Investigations
Litigation matters often require investigations by lawyers, typically of the opposing parties and the facts underlying the case. These investigations are often conducted by third parties who research public records, interview witnesses and conduct surveillance. These actions may even apply to a lawyer’s own clients or witnesses in order to corroborate or supplement testimony. The relevance of the information and the nuances of how such an investigation should be conducted is critical to this p... More Info
$341Ethics Credit -
Change is the Only Constant: Foreclosure Statute of Limitations, Trial Practice, and Covid-19 Procedures
With New York foreclosures at a standstill for over a year, it’s likely you have fallen behind regarding recent developments. This CLE course will get you up to speed on newly-imposed court procedures, administrative orders and case law from the appellate divisions and Court of Appeals, all of which have ramifications on how foreclosures will be handled once the moratorium is lifted. The course will provide you with new information, particularly as it relates to COVID-19 procedures, st... More Info
$551.5General Credits