California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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California MCLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a CLE provider accredited by the California State Bar, Provider #15390. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • The Ethics of Law Firm Management: Now More Than Ever

    While daunting, opening a law firm, whether as a sole practitioner or with several other attorneys, is the easiest part of the process. The management and running of a firm is where the complexities, and seemingly insurmountable hurdles lie. Held to a higher standard than other businesspeople, attorneys still need to make a profit. This CLE course will cover the Rules of Professional Conduct and ethical issues lawyers must follow when running a practice and how competing interests can... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Introduction To New Jersey Civil Motion Practice

    The structure of the New Jersey Court System is more complicated than it would appear. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive understanding of the system including motions and the purpose of filing them, common motions in civil cases in New Jersey as well as the rules which govern how they can be filed. The course will conclude with an overview of recent changes to court rules. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Guardianships Across Jurisdictions: Basic Considerations For the Attorney Practitioner

    The guardianship process is notoriously lengthy and complicated. The Uniform Laws Commission (ULC) put forward a set of rules aimed to make guardianship easier for attorneys to understand. The rules, in whole or in part, have since been adopted by 46 states. This CLE course will offer an overview of the practical application of the new ULA rules. The ULA updated the provisions to include inter alia, property management protections, provision with regards to minors subjected to guardian... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Five Critical Developments in Class Action Litigation

    One of the most consistently evolving areas of jurisprudence, class action litigation also has the highest stakes of any field of litigation and the broad guidelines of Rule 23 results in a wide array of both practical and academic debates. This CLE course will address recent development in five major areas of the law as they relate to class litigation. These theoretical and practical presentations of Article III jurisprudence, arbitration, administrative feasibility, post-Rule 23(e) c... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Evaluating and Negotiating Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    Settlement is often the method to resolve insurance bad faith cases, but the distinctive nature of these claims makes their value difficult to assess. This CLE course will explain the considerations that are critical for both policyholders and insurance companies to be aware of when attempting to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. The course will be presented by attorneys with years of knowledge and experience in successful resolution of bad faith insurance cases. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    Maritime law is a wide and complex subject area. This CLE course will assist non-maritime lawyers grasp the legal issues so as to properly advise clients. The course will assess property damage cases, such as when a towboat hits a pier, and personal injury cases, such as when someone was standing on the pier when the tugboat hit, within the context of maritime law. The course will address underlying theories related to comparative fault, liability, personification of the vessel and in rem liab... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Ideas to Cash: Guiding Creative Clients In Monetizing Their Inventions and Other Creations

    An idea can be difficult to express, much less to protect. The law offers various types of protections as well as a series of procedures to implement those protections including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. This CLE course will review the different types of protections as well as how to monetize the methods. Samples of different methods and techniques for approaching targets will be presented so you can turn your clients’ ideas into profit. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • How Defense Attorneys Can Effectively Use The Stand Your Ground Law To Win Criminal Cases

    Offering a comprehensive history and current state of Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law, this CLE course will present the law’s benefits to your potential clients. The course will include an overview of motion hearings related to Stand Your Ground as well as examples of how the law was successfully implemented in a recent homicide case. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Liability of The Cruise Industry for COVID-19 Related Injuries and Deaths of Passengers and Crew

    Suits by passengers against cruise lines have risen dramatically recently as many are related to damages from the COVID-19 pandemic. This CLE course will examine these cases as well as ship-owner liability to crews under the general principles governing Maritime Law and the Jones Act. The course will pay particular attention to claims for emotional distress in circumstances where passengers were exposed to the virus and then quarantined regardless of the fact that they had not contract... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Successful Negotiations in Presidential History

    “The Art of the Possible” is often used to describe negotiations. This CLE course will be presented within the context of US presidential history to analyze both successful and failed negotiations and what we can learn from them. The course will cover basic principles of negotiation and the changes that resulted from World War II, negotiations surrounding the civil rights movements and war and peace on a national and international scale. The course will also address the role of America... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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