Colorado CLE - Constitutional Law Courses

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Colorado CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Certified Provider of CLE as recognized by the Colorado Supreme Court Continuing Legal and Judicial Education Committee. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Offering immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) empowers these leaders to delete, modify or censor material they may deem objectionable. The act also gives them the freedom to ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion, thereby making them the gatekeepers of the discourse on platforms that provide most of the world’s information. This CLE course will address the constitutionality of granti... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Successful Negotiations in Presidential History

    “The Art of the Possible” is often used to describe negotiations. This CLE course will be presented within the context of US presidential history to analyze both successful and failed negotiations and what we can learn from them. The course will cover basic principles of negotiation and the changes that resulted from World War II, negotiations surrounding the civil rights movements and war and peace on a national and international scale. The course will also address the role of America... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Legal Liability of The Cruise Industry for COVID-19 Related Injuries and Deaths of Passengers and Crew

    Suits by passengers against cruise lines have risen dramatically recently as many are related to damages from the COVID-19 pandemic. This CLE course will examine these cases as well as ship-owner liability to crews under the general principles governing Maritime Law and the Jones Act. The course will pay particular attention to claims for emotional distress in circumstances where passengers were exposed to the virus and then quarantined regardless of the fact that they had not contract... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigating False Claims Act Cases

    Under the False Act (FCA), citizens are entitled to sue in the name of the government in order to recover monies owed as a result of “false claims” or fraud. FCA cases are not immediately served to the defendant but rather are filed under seal in order to provide government attorneys with the opportunity to investigate claim and determine if they warrant further action. The statute has been used to a great extent in recent years and in many cases the government has determined that private coun... More Info

    1General Credit
  • What Attorneys Need to Know About The Current State of Vaccination Mandates

    As we enter the 3rd year of the pandemic, the issue of vaccine mandates are becoming more controversial. This CLE course will explain the various rules being implemented and where they stand with regards to court challenges and various state efforts to counter them. The course will cover the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard and the OSHA proposed rule as well as arguments being litigated against it. Rules issues by the Center for Medicare and Medicare Services as well as for federal c... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Crimmigration Essentials: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Offering a basic overview of Crimmigation, this CLE course offers guidelines on how to defend your non-citizen clients when charged with criminal offenses. The course offers a time-proven analysis which provides the bearings needed to protect your practice and your clients. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Policing under Section 1983: The Year in Review

    Policing in America has experienced a huge upheaval as well as advanced scrutiny over the past year. This CLE course will help you stay on top of new developments including residential searches under Caniglia v. Strom, intent to restrain as a seizure under Torres v. Madrid, and residential arrests under Lange v. California. The course will offer an overview on the top ten ways that policing in the post-George Floyd/Breonna Taylor may impact your practice and address issues such as qual... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Police Misconduct: Litigation Under 42 USC §1983

    Police conduct remains a hot topic. This CLE course will focus primarily on claims of excessive force and wrongful arrest as well as other topics related to federal litigation of police misconduct. The course will address major doctrinal issues as well as claims under the 4th, 5th and 14th amendments against both government entities and individuals. The course will explain the qualified immunity defense and offer pointers for both plaintiff and defense counsels using exhibits to illust... More Info

    3General Credits
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