An Attorneys Guide to Working with Personal Property Appraisers: Ethical Issues, Potential Pitfalls, and Best Practices

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Colorado CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Certified Provider of CLE as recognized by the Colorado Supreme Court Continuing Legal and Judicial Education Committee. To view our full accreditation details please .

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About This Course

This CLE course offers attorneys an in-depth exploration of the critical role appraisals play in estate planning, estate litigation, and other legal contexts involving personal property valuation.

Participants will gain an advanced understanding of how to effectively engage and work with personal property appraisers, with a focus on ethical considerations, best practices, and potential pitfalls.

Through practical guidance on the do’s and don’ts of appraisals, attendees will learn how to navigate the legal consequences of improper appraisal practices, minimizing risks that can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. By the end of the course, attorneys will be better equipped to handle appraisal-related challenges in their practice, ensuring compliance with key guidelines and safeguarding against costly mistakes.

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A copy of your certificate will remain in your account and will always be accessible to you.

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