Connecticut MCLE - Intellectual Property Courses

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Connecticut MCLE
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United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is an accredited sponsor of CLE across the United States. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Global Advertising: Advertising Law in Brazil

    Online marketing has erased national borders as campaigns must appeal to a broader, international target audience. This CLE course, co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, will explain the rules governing global advertising particularly in Brazil, with a special focus on issues related to social media. More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Advertising Law in the Netherlands

    Online marketing has erased national borders as campaigns must appeal to a broader, international target audience. This CLE course, co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, will explain the rules governing global advertising particularly in the Netherlands, with a special focus on issues related to social media. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Eleven Common Intellectual Property Mistakes Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them

    Intellectual property mistakes are common to almost any type of business of any size. Whether from lack of foresight or incorrect planning, mistakes can impact the creation and protection of a company’s intellectual property as well as that of other businesses whose intellectual property you use. This CLE course will explain the eleven most common intellectual property mistakes and how to avoid them. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Navigating Your Company Through a World of Big Copyright Damages: An Insider's Look

    The rise and prominence of legal cases involving copyright infringement are no surprise. With so much of the assets of both companies and individuals comprised of various types of media, copyright infringement cases can reap tremendous rewards. But with that comes equally tremendous risks with multi-million dollar judgments against infringers being awarded to singers, songwriters, scriptwriters, authors, photographers and other artists, some of these even including attorney fees. In a climate w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Legal Guide to Introducing International Products and Services to the U.S. Market

    There seems to be no limit to the products people will buy or the services they will employ. In fact, bringing your product or service to US market in a way that creates demand is much more complicated than it appears. This CLE course will explain how to devise a careful, and well thought-out strategy for introducing a product or service to the US market. The course will explain how to choose a successful distribution model, cost-effectively maximize intellectual property protection and account... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Global Advertising: Advertising Law in Canada

    Online marketing has erased national borders as campaigns must appeal to a broader, international target audience. This CLE course, co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, will explain the rules governing global advertising particularly in Canada, with a special focus on issues related to social media. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Global Advertising: Advertising Law in Mexico

    Online marketing has erased national borders as campaigns must appeal to a broader, international target audience. This CLE course, co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, will explain the rules governing global advertising particularly in Mexico, with a special focus on issues related to social media. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues Facing Collegiate Athletics: O'Bannon v. NCAA

    After years of turmoil in college sports, the ruling handed down in O’Bannon v. NCAA will forever change the teams’ commercialization of former stars and the relationship between former players and the schools they once represented. The ramifications of this in all areas of the sport are yet to be seen. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of O’Bannon v. NCAA and how it may change college athletics in the future. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The Reach and Limits of Commissioner Power in the Major Professional Sports

    Sports commissioners are known for being power hungry. In fact, recent news stories have offered countless examples of commissioners imposing discipline both on players and owners for issues that should be largely outside their purview. This CLE course will review the advent of this trend and relevant cases such as MLB and Alex Rodriguez, the NFL and Ray Rice and the NBA and Donald Sterling. The course will explore how these cases relate to labor, anti-trust and contract law and most important,... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Advertising After Operation Full Disclosure: The FTC’s New Focus on Disclosures in Advertising

    For the second time in two years, the Federal Trade Commission distributed warnings to advertisers admonishing them for producing disclosures that are not sufficiently clear and conspicuous. Dubbed Operation Full Disclosure it provided warnings and guidance to more than sixty national advertisers in relation to both print and television. In this CLE course, presented by one of the country’s leading advertising law experts, you will learn what Operation Full Disclosure seeks to accomplish and w... More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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