Connecticut MCLE - Personal Injury Courses

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Connecticut MCLE
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United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is an accredited sponsor of CLE across the United States. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Ethical Considerations of Litigation Funding

    Litigation funding, also known as legal funding, provides much needed assistance to accident victims. And yet, critics of the practice claim that it raises extensive ethical issues, and directly impacts the attorney client relationship and issues of privilege. This CLE course will explain litigation funding specifically as it applies to personal injury attorneys and their clients. The course will review the merits of assisting clients, analyze the secondary market that such funding creates, and... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Art of Voir Dire: A Guide for the Novice Attorney and the Seasoned Professional

    One of the most important elements of any jury trial starts well before opening statements. Jury selection can make or break a trial and to get the jury you want, preparation is key. This CLE course will explain how to prepare for jury selection, what to look for in potential jurors, research, and how to question them. The course will also explain strategies for appealing to the jury, even when that jury is not the one you would have wanted. Ethical consideration in dealing with jurors as well a... More Info

    4.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • How to Start and Build a Law Practice

    Most people would likely agree on the barometers of what makes a successful law practice—financial growth, increasing caseloads, and larger staffs. But what makes a successful law practice for you in particular might be a harder question to answer if you account for not only the quantity of cases you try (and win) but whether or not they are the kind of cases you want to try (and win). This CLE course will be your guide to determining how to build your law practice to reach a level of success th... More Info

    2General Credits
  • How to Win Trip/Slip & Fall Cases

    Slip and fall cases present a tremendous challenge, even to seasoned attorneys. This CLE course will teach you proven strategies for winning slip and fall cases by turning the defendant into your expert witness. The course will use case studies to explain how to effectively select, prepare and utilize expert testimony particularly for establishing custom, practices and standards. Cross-examination of experts, including the presentation of recommended witness questions, and the submission of inte... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Effective Deposition Strategies in Nursing Home and Medical Malpractice Cases

    Depositions are a fairly standard feature in trial strategy. In nursing home care cases, they fulfill a very necessary and fundamental element in building your case. This CLE course will explain the purpose of a deposition and perhaps more importantly, identify what many mistakenly believe a deposition should be used for. The course will identify the various individuals to target for deposition, important information in how to depose these witnesses, effective preparation, testimonies and admiss... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Mediating and Settling Nursing Home Cases

    The benefits of mediation in lieu of a trial are many and include both the time, expense and energy that a trial entails. Given that, there are many disadvantages to consider. This CLE course will explain the pros vs. the cons of mediation and settlement, how to evaluate the case at hand and how to suggest mediation to a client. The course will review the steps needed to prepare for mediation including how to select a mediator, insurance coverage and the issues that need to be agreed upon before... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Intake Process & Ethical Considerations in Nursing Home Cases

    Nursing home cases begin much like any legal case—with the intake interview. The crucial first step in building any successful legal case, the intake interview establishes the chronology of events, and the pre-and post-incident status of the client. This comprehensive CLE course will explain how to strategically design the intake interview for trying a nursing home case in Illinois, how to use those questions to begin building a legal case, the proper procedure for obtaining medical records, and... More Info

    1Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • Protecting the Rights of Elderly Clients through Nursing Home Litigation

    Long-term care and nursing homes are often the most viable option for the elderly. Trained staff, good facilities and geographical proximity are just some of the considerations that prompt people to make this decision for their elder family members. And when all of the research fails to turn up a history of abuse and neglect, many assume that litigation against such facilities is futile. This CLE course is designed to argue with that notion. The course will review numerous successful litigation... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Pitfalls Relating to Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    When it comes to ethical dilemmas, foresight is the best defense mechanism. Whether you are in solo practice or a large firm, most ethical problems can be avoided using risk managements techniques that can be implemented in advance of a problem arising. This CLE course will explain those techniques and address the most common ethical issues that arise in firms of all sizes as well as those particular to small or large firms. The course will advise on how recognizing and addressing issues before... More Info

    1.75Ethics Credits
  • The Essentials of Auto Accident Law

    This seminar will examine and discuss the various factors which must be considered when evaluating or handling a motor vehicle accident claim. We will review the applicable Pennsylvania insurance statute and discuss a variety of practical considerations which should be evaluated when considering whether to take on a claim. We will also address common issues which arise in most motor vehicle accident cases and discuss how best to anticipate and address these issues. Topics To Be Addressed:... More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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