Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: Plaintiff and Defense Courtroom Strategies

Accreditation Wreath Icon AL
SKU: LIT3300
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Massachusetts CLE
Accreditation Info

CLE is voluntary for Massachusetts attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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About This Course

The growing complexity of warning labels make it even more critical that litigators in failure to warn cases understand the specific nuances involved. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive review of failure to warn actions and, using relevant examples from recent cases, how to build a case from the ground up. The course will explain warning claims, data gathering and trial preparation, paying particular attention to warnings experts and how and when to utilize them during litigation. The course will also review how to manage warnings experts, check their credentials to ensure they’ll sustain challenges (such as Daubert and/or Frye), prepare them for trial, use exhibits and a variety of other rules and guidelines. The course will include role playing scenarios including depositions and trial questioning.
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