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Accreditation and CLE Rules for Kentucky
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a sponsor of CLE activities approved by Kentucky Bar Association CLE Commission.
Kentucky attorneys must complete 12 CLE credit hours per year by June 30th, including at least 2 credits in Ethics.
Kentucky attorneys can earn all 12 CLE credit hours with us including 2 credits of Ethics with our "Technological" programs using our Online & iOS/Android App courses.
The compliance cycle is from July 1st through June 30th and each member must certify compliance by August 10th each year.
Kentucky Attorneys may carry over 24 credits, 4 of which can be ethics, into the next two reporting periods.
Kentucky Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Commission
514 W. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601-1883
(t) 502-564-3795
Tips and Pointers for Reviewing Contracts
SKU: CON3500
Kentucky CLE Accreditation Info
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a sponsor of CLE activities approved by Kentucky Bar Association CLE Commission.
To view our full accreditation details please .
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Choose Your State
Admitted in more than one state? Choose one of your licensed states to purchase your CLE and you can request credit in additional states during checkout.
All Courses Available iOS/Android Web
About This Course
With a focus on the critical clauses that may be erroneously omitted in contracts as a result of oversight or ignorance, this CLE course will offer an overview on contract review and how to avoid potential errors.
The course will present those basic clauses and how they should be used and offer simple language alternatives that you can incorporate into future contracts.
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Choose Your State
Admitted in more than one state? Choose one of your licensed states to purchase your CLE and you can request credit in additional states during checkout.