What You Need to Know About New Federal Employment Laws

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Pennsylvania CLE
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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Pennsylvania Accredited CLE Provider (Provider ID 6208). To view our full accreditation details please .

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About This Course

On December 1st, a series of sweeping changes to federal overtime rules will come into effect. This CLE course will review the new rules and their impact from the pay raise that will result from the increase in salary threshold for overtime exemptions to the effect of raises on typically low-wage workers. The course will review the industries where the changes will have the biggest impact such as media, entertainment, advertising and hospitality, where until now even skilled workers couldn’t depend on high salaries, and the ways in which employers need to adapt. The course will offer a full overview of the changes and how to comply with them. Topics will include changes to the standard salary and compensation requirements, evaluating whether to pay overtime or raise salaries, exempt vs. non-exempt classifications, how to account for off-site work, adjusting for future salaries, penalties, non-compliance and how to communicate all the changes to your staff.
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