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Florida CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Florida Bar Accredited CLE Sponsor (CLE Sponsor # 0185716). To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Is That Contract Invalid? Protecting & Attacking Contractual Obligations

    “A verbal contract is not worth more than the paper it’s written on.” But what about written contracts? How do we assess the validity of a written contract? This CLE course will explain how to determine a contract’s validity whether to protect or attack the obligations therein. The course will explain the basic definitions of what constitutes a contract, its various elements, the concept of mutual intent and its ramifications, verification, power of attorney and invalidity clauses. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Home Sweet Lis Pendens: Defending Residential Foreclosures in Illinois

    The glut in foreclosures in recent years has made the business of defending against foreclosures more profitable than ever. But when should you advise your client to defend? What factors are needed to embark on this course of action? This CLE lecture will present the issues and considerations one should take into account when defending a residential foreclosure in Illinois. The course will present tips and strategies for managing the process, the stages of mounting a proper defense, the methods... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession

    The extensive damage caused by substance and alcohol abuse is fairly well-known but its prevalence in the legal profession is less understood. This CLE course will review the various forms of addiction including medical marijuana, alcohol, gambling food and unethical conduct. Challenges in identifying behaviors relating to this abuse, how to differentiate abuse from normal social drinking and the consequences of such behavior which may include State Bar sanctions or even criminal convictions wil... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Federal Judges Panel: Avoiding “Irreversible Mistakes” in E-Discovery

    Twenty two judges participated in Exterro’s Federal Judges Survey on attorney knowledge and capability to advise clients on e-discovery matters. Not one completely agreed that typical attorneys have what it takes. This CLE course, presented by three of the participating judges, will present this and other survey findings as they relate to e-discovery trends and practices. The course will offer advice on how to ensure that all e-discovery requirements are consider to avoid “irreversible mistakes”... More Info

    1General Credit
  • U.S. v. Newman: The Changing Landscape for Insider Trading Liability

    What constitutes criminal insider trading has evolved dramatically in recent years. While the recent decision in U.S. v. Newman, a case against two portfolio managers, provides some clarity, many questions still remain. Central to the topic is the clarity needed in what constitutes “tipper” and “tippee” liability, what personal benefit a tipper must receive as well as the tippee’s understanding when receiving information provided improperly. This CLE course, designed for investment advise... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advanced Techniques in Transfer Development Rights

    The transfer of development rights has specific geographic and documentary requirements such as as-of-right transactions between two adjacent properties with a contiguous lot line. The use of advanced techniques such as air parcel to store development rights for later use is not uncommon. In this CLE course, you will learn the language of zoning and development rights transfers, the due diligence required to determine if transfers have occurred and the documentation and approvals to implement ad... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Ethical Pitfalls Relating to Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    When it comes to ethical dilemmas, foresight is the best defense mechanism. Whether you are in solo practice or a large firm, most ethical problems can be avoided using risk managements techniques that can be implemented in advance of a problem arising. This CLE course will explain those techniques and address the most common ethical issues that arise in firms of all sizes as well as those particular to small or large firms. The course will advise on how recognizing and addressing issues before... More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • The Nuts, Bolts and New Developments in Land Use Practice in New York City

    Land use in New York City has undergone dramatic changes which include recent developments on grant applications by the City Planning Commission and City Council. This CLE course will examine these changes and the new emphasis on affordable housing and public realm improvements which have greatly shaped New York City land use practice in the past year. The course will explore the basics in New York City land use practice and review the course of development under New York’s City Zoning Resolutio... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Legal Issues Facing Collegiate Athletics: O'Bannon v. NCAA

    After years of turmoil in college sports, the ruling handed down in O’Bannon v. NCAA will forever change the teams’ commercialization of former stars and the relationship between former players and the schools they once represented. The ramifications of this in all areas of the sport are yet to be seen. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of O’Bannon v. NCAA and how it may change college athletics in the future. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Reach and Limits of Commissioner Power in the Major Professional Sports

    Sports commissioners are known for being power hungry. In fact, recent news stories have offered countless examples of commissioners imposing discipline both on players and owners for issues that should be largely outside their purview. This CLE course will review the advent of this trend and relevant cases such as MLB and Alex Rodriguez, the NFL and Ray Rice and the NBA and Donald Sterling. The course will explore how these cases relate to labor, anti-trust and contract law and most important,... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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