Florida CLE - Trusts and Estates Courses

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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Florida Bar Accredited CLE Sponsor (CLE Sponsor # 0185716). To view our full accreditation details please .

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Trusts and Estates Courses

  • Rules and Principles of The Division of Real Estate Between Married and Unmarried Partners

    Divorce is difficult – both emotionally and financially. Separating lives that were once united is complicated from every respect and the division of assets is one of the most combative issues couples face. This CLE course will focus on the division of real estate and the importance of prenuptial and mid-marriage agreements in protecting a spouse’s interest in a property, particularly when a down payment was provided by a family member. The course will explain the various pitfa... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • The Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation

    Imagine your client, with full knowledge and faculties, has executed a deed signing away his property with the “understanding” that he would eventually get it back. Would the statute of frauds bar relief? Interesting question. This CLE course will address all the Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation. Presented by the author of "Litigating Constructive Trusts" which addresses the main issues relevant to constructive trust cases, the course will address the issue from an offen... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Estate Planning for Attorneys Who Help Business Owners

    Clients who own small businesses have particular needs and concerns with regards to estate planning. This CLE course will prepare estate planning attorneys to serve those clients as part of their overall estate planning. The course will go far beyond the issue of wills and delve into operations, employees, customers, vendors, leases, licenses and a slew of other issues as part of their estate plan. The course will assist attorneys in managing their clients’ expectations as well... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
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