Illinois MCLE - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Courses
This is a listing of Mental Health and Substance Abuse CLE Courses for Illinois. Please make your selection below of Illinois CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Illinois MCLE
Accreditation Info
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Accredited CLE Provider in Illinois. To view our full accreditation details please .
Pause, Breathe, Lead: Mindfulness for the Modern Lawyer
This CLE program introduces attorneys to the concept of mindfulness and its “attitudinal foundations.” Participants will examine evidence-based research showing how mindfulness can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and enhance presence in the moment. The session includes a guided mindfulness meditation, followed by an opportunity for attendees to reflect on and share their experiences. Additionally, participants will learn practical, informal mindfulness techniques that can be applied... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Mindfulness for Attorneys: Emotional Wellness & Well-Being
This thought-provoking CLE will explore mental well-being within the legal profession as we spotlight personal narratives of burnout, recovery, and the challenges associated with mental health. Rooted in authentic experiences, this program provides tangible strategies to navigate stress and attain a harmonious work-life equilibrium. Delve into the early indicators of burnout, acquiring effective techniques to preserve mental health amidst high-pressure environments. Uncover tools that... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
The Effects of Trauma and Compassion Fatigue on the Lawyer Who Cares
While lawyers tend to get a bad rap, many are attracted to the legal profession because they care about people and genuinely want to help them. And they live stressful lives as a result, many working incredibly long hours and unable to take a break lest they disappoint their clients. Beyond the typical burnout that most experience, there is a special type of burnout called “secondary traumatic stress” or “compassion fatigue”. The ramifications of trauma and compassion fatigue aren’t discussed... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Virtual Isolation: Is Hyperconnectivity Helping or Harming the Legal Professional?
Modern technology has taken over our lives in ways we couldn’t have possibly anticipated. Smartphones have replaced colleagues, friends and family as our most constant companions. However, like many things, their contributions to our lives comes at a price including the risk of dependence, addiction and fear. Constantly online, we find ourselves connected, but alone. Even put to the side, our electronic devices are always running. This trend has had an especially deliberating impact on... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Staying Safe and Sound: Maintaining a Realistic Work/Life Balance in Uncertain Times
With messages about COVID-related issues still flooding your inbox, broadcast on tv and argued over on social media, you are at an increased likelihood for anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts. Amongst the many concerns are concerns about being in crowds, whether to get another vaccine booster, fears about the health of your family and how you will manage the future in the “new normal”. Recent studies indicate a dramatic increase amongst those in the legal profession of impairm... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Gambling: The "Secret" Addiction
Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health disorders are on the rise, leading to an increase in impairment in the legal profession. According to the statistics, 1 in 3 attorneys will need mental health services at some point in their careers. Yet there are other addictions, such as gambling, which is lesser known but can be just as damaging. The US Supreme Court Case of Murphy vs. NCAA upheld the legality of gambling across the country and in almost no time, Pennsylvania had on-line... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
No One Makes It Out Unscathed: The Effects of Trauma, Stress and Burnout On Our Lives
Stress is a component of any attorneys’ day to day life. And ignoring it won’t make it go away. Shrug it off and the results can be catastrophic for you, your family and your business. Trauma, less discussed but not rarer, also requires immediate attention. Whether it is a direct trauma such as a personal loss or one being experienced vicariously, untreated trauma can have untold consequences. This CLE course will address issues of stress and trauma, particularly in the wake of COVID-19... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Coronavirus and Your Mental Health: A Lawyer’s Guide to Coping with Isolation, Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain Times
Messages about COVID-19 seem almost as prevalent as the virus itself. They are bombarding us through all forms of media as well as in conversations with family and friends. In such stressful times, it is that much easier for stress, fear and negative thinking to take over. Whether you are afraid of the virus itself or simply of being exposed and then quarantined, the isolation these circumstances create can have a dramatic effect on one's well-being. This can easily spiral into alcoholism, add... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Decide to Thrive: The Case for Lawyer Well-Being
Lawyers are known for working insane hours, to the point of exhaustion and seriously ill health, This CLE course will explain how to get control of your life without damaging your business. The course will explain how to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle and still make a great living as a lawyer. The course will address the systemic health problems in the legal profession and will present 4 essential strategies for creating lasting change in the intense environment that attorneys inhab... More Info
$341Mental Health/Abuse -
Intervention Strategies for Helping Legal Professionals
The staggering number of substance abuse and mental health issues in the legal profession requires that the legal community at large be aware of the problem and informed how to address it when needed. Best practices for doing so and tips and strategies to effectively provide assistance to someone in need will be covered in this important and comprehensive CLE course presented by a former addict. Real-life stories will be included. More Info
$341.25Mental Health/Abuse