Indiana CLE - Business Law Courses

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Indiana CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Approved CLE Sponsor (106648) by the Indiana Commission For Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • You're Fired! How to Minimize Risk and Avoid Litigation

    Termination procedures are essential in avoiding lawsuits as a result of unlawful termination. This CLE course will explain proper procedures and the importance of adherence to them. The course will discuss the purpose and benefits of progressive discipline, how to ensure the implementation and consistency of policies and the dangers of incomplete employee performance reviews. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Trademark Basics for Corporate Counsel

    The acquisition, protection and licensing of trademarks rights, whether for new products or ventures, is an essential element in any business venture. This CLE course, presented by Frankfurt Kurnit’s Catherine M.C. Farrelly and Donna A. Tobin will explain trademark essentials such as how to obtain a trademark, enforcements to prevent loss of rights including issues of “genericide”, infringement monitoring, benefits, corporate transactions, license drafting, international licenses, recent decisio... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • 35 Tips for Attorney Professionalism

    The mandates for attorneys as dictated by the Model Rules explain the responsibilities and prohibitions that all practitioners must adopt and abide by. And while they explain the ethical requirements of attorneys, they don’t necessarily explain how that compliance should occur and their impact on the daily practice of law. Designed a presented by a 40+ veteran practitioner who has experience in private practice and non-profit service and in-house counsel as a litigator, arbitrator and mediator,... More Info

    2.2Total Credits
    1.1 Ethics
  • Technology, Ethics, and Estate Planning Practice Management

    As in every other field today, technology is transforming estate planning. This CLE course explains how estate planners can creatively utilize technology to enhance efficiency, minimize costs and develop strategies to minimize risk. Topics include document generation software to create better documents at lower costs, adapting everyday tools such as calendar and billing systems to increase client communication, and utilize record keeping software to safeguard you and your clients. The impact of... More Info

    1.3Ethics Credits
  • Serving Rural Clients Using Technology

    Among the many reasons why individuals and families choose not to pursue litigation is simple access. In rural areas of the US, some counties have fewer than three attorneys, and some have none at all. This CLE course will explain this problem and the areas affected and offer avenues to serve clients whose lack of access to justice prevents them from protecting their rights. More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • The Ethics of Deception

    Not every ethical decision is a choice between right and wrong, bad and good. Some are far vaguer, battling in the shades of gray where our responsibilities to clients may blur the lines. This CLE course will tackle some of the more profound, overarching issues of ethical responsibility and professional conduct in pursuit of a client’s cause. The course will address the rules and the values upon which they are based, potential models and guides to turn to and cases which illustrate where these... More Info

    1.9Ethics Credits
  • Hot Topics in Copyright Law

    A star-studded presentation by Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz’s litigation group, this CLE course will tell you everything you need to know about the current state of copyright law. The course will include recent developments in issues involving copyright ownership of media materials and how to defend small copyright claims. The course will take up the question of ownership of graffiti and street art, cheerleader designs, recent cases impacting copyright safe harbor and even a special presentatio... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • A Legal Guide to Social Media Advertising around the Globe

    Social media has become the go-to source for information, news, current events, and personal communication. It has also emerged as a powerful tool for advertisers and marketers to target and reach wide swathes of customers with ease. The FTC, racing to keep up with emerging technologies, has a series of guidelines to regulate advertiser behavior. This CLE course will explain those guidelines and present case studies to illustrate their enforcement. Transparency, sponsorship, affiliate marketing... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Legal Issues of Social Media & Advertising in the US and Around the Globe

    As social media transforms the way we share information and with whom we can share it, companies are leveraging their greatly expanded ability to access potential customers through digital advertising. But what guidelines inform these companies what they can say, how they can say it and to whom? This informative and timely CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of advertising in the age of social media. It will explain how to determine the jurisdiction that defines the legalities of adve... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cybersecurity Compliance Issues: What You Need to Do and How You Can Do It

    The dangers posed by cyber-security breaches has been felt in every industry, every branch of government and even private individuals. For general counsel and compliance officers, it is perhaps the primary concern facing them today. This CLE course will present the regulatory environment for the financial services industry as it compares to other industries and examine the standards, audits, and ethical responsibilities they entail as well as explain how to conduct employee training and examin... More Info

    1.6General Credits
Decorative Arc

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