Indiana CLE - Ethics Credit Courses

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Indiana CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Approved CLE Sponsor (106648) by the Indiana Commission For Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Ethical Tips for Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    Small firm and solo practitioners face additional challenges in staying informed of ethical rules and considerations for attorneys without the organizational, administrative and legal support of larger firms. This CLE course, designed specifically for small and solo practitioners will present real life situations involving ethical dilemmas and legal malpractice claims and explore how to navigate issues and hypotheticals. More Info

    2.8Ethics Credits
  • Ethics of Social Media: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Social media has vastly altered the way we communicate as well as how we search for and gather information. For attorneys, an understanding of how social media works can be a key element in building a business or a legal suit. This CLE course will explain the various types of social media and how they can be utilized in marketing, discovery, communications and legal actions. The course will also explain the potential ethical issues in using social media and how to avoid actions that may result i... More Info

    1.4Ethics Credits
  • Disqualification by Reason of Vicarious Conflict of Interest

    We are long past the days when workers stayed in the same job for their entire lives and the profession of law is no exception. But how do we allow for such mobility without compromising confidentiality? Noted real estate law author and practitioner Dov Treiman addresses this very issue in a comprehensive CLE course which discusses disqualification and when and how it applies to one attorney or an entire firm. The course explains what can be done to prevent such disqualifications and relates the... More Info

    1.3Ethics Credits
  • Ethical and Effective Social Media for Lawyers

    Ethical obligations as pertained to social media is a thorny issue and one that gets more complicated as our digital lives have become such a prominent aspect of our lives. It is critical for attorneys to be aware of their ethical obligations with respect to various social media platforms and how they share information. This CLE course will explain the ethical obligations and how to prevent ethical violations on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. More Info

    1.6Ethics Credits
  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    The term implicit bias has received a great deal of attention lately and has been identified as the cause of unjust behaviors in everything from hiring practices to the legal system. But what is implicit bias and how rampant is it in reality? How much is just media hype? This CLE course will explain implicit bias, its origin, how it can be differentiated from explicit bias, legal action that may arise from it and the degree to it has impacted the legal system. More Info

    1.1Ethics Credits
  • Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession: Recognition, Understanding and Intervention

    Addiction is a factor in many legal cases and attorneys need to know how to identify addiction and its legal definition. This CLE course, presented by Mick Meagher, Esq., a seasoned attorney and the author of a highly acclaimed book on intervention, presents this CLE course on how to define addiction and the various behaviors that fall under the guidelines of addictive behaviors. The course will offer an overview of the addiction disease process, the warning signs of substance abuse and the deva... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • 35 Tips for Attorney Professionalism

    The mandates for attorneys as dictated by the Model Rules explain the responsibilities and prohibitions that all practitioners must adopt and abide by. And while they explain the ethical requirements of attorneys, they don’t necessarily explain how that compliance should occur and their impact on the daily practice of law. Designed a presented by a 40+ veteran practitioner who has experience in private practice and non-profit service and in-house counsel as a litigator, arbitrator and mediator,... More Info

    2.2Total Credits
    1.1 Ethics
  • Technology, Ethics, and Estate Planning Practice Management

    As in every other field today, technology is transforming estate planning. This CLE course explains how estate planners can creatively utilize technology to enhance efficiency, minimize costs and develop strategies to minimize risk. Topics include document generation software to create better documents at lower costs, adapting everyday tools such as calendar and billing systems to increase client communication, and utilize record keeping software to safeguard you and your clients. The impact of... More Info

    1.3Ethics Credits
  • Estate Planning, Guardianship and Medicaid Eligibility

    This CLE course is designed to provide attorneys who do not practice Estate Planning and Elder Law with an introductory overview on these areas. The course will include issues related to Estate Tax Planning, Medicaid planning and Special Need planning. The course will also cover Asset Protection, Probate and the significance of Advance Directives. More Info

    1.8Total Credits
    0.8 Ethics
  • Life Time Trusts and the Surrogate's Court: Revocable Trusts; Decanting and Ethics

    There are many potential avenues available in estate planning, some more advantageous than others. Revocable trusts is one that is often promoted, but that doesn’t mean it is optimal choice for estate planning. This CLE course will evaluate revocable trusts in terms of their costs, process, eligibility requirements, jurisdictional issues as well as their potential advantages to your client. More Info

    2.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
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