Indiana CLE - Ethics Credit Courses

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Indiana CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Approved CLE Sponsor (106648) by the Indiana Commission For Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • The Ethics of Deception

    Not every ethical decision is a choice between right and wrong, bad and good. Some are far vaguer, battling in the shades of gray where our responsibilities to clients may blur the lines. This CLE course will tackle some of the more profound, overarching issues of ethical responsibility and professional conduct in pursuit of a client’s cause. The course will address the rules and the values upon which they are based, potential models and guides to turn to and cases which illustrate where these... More Info

    1.9Ethics Credits
  • Hot Topics in Copyright Law

    A star-studded presentation by Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz’s litigation group, this CLE course will tell you everything you need to know about the current state of copyright law. The course will include recent developments in issues involving copyright ownership of media materials and how to defend small copyright claims. The course will take up the question of ownership of graffiti and street art, cheerleader designs, recent cases impacting copyright safe harbor and even a special presentatio... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Ethical Issues Facing In-House Counsel

    Without the structure and communication with other attorneys inherent in a typical law office, a company’s in-house counsel may find themselves faced with myriad ethical quandaries. Privileged communication, contact with former employees, conflicts of interest and electronic discovery are just some of the conflicts that can arise on a da-to-day basis. This CLE course will provide an in-depth explanation of these potential issues as well as provide techniques for problem solving a series of hypot... More Info

    1.7Ethics Credits
  • Everything Is a Negotiation: Strategies and Ethical Considerations for Attorneys

    Just because a negotiation tactic is standard practice, doesn’t mean it is the best one to use. In fact, countless deals have been undone, litigation protracted and relationships destroyed by the use of standard practice. This CLE course, presented by managing partner and business owner Joe Campolo, will present alternative negotiation strategies he relies on to close deals and find solutions to problems. Designed for both new attorneys and seasoned professionals, the course will provide you wit... More Info

    1.8Total Credits
    0.7 Ethics
  • Avoiding Ethical Violations and Malpractice Suits

    This CLE course, designed to advise lawyers on how to minimize their risk of being sued for malpractice or other ethical violations, will offer practical steps and strategies for attorneys in all types of practices. Presented by ethics expert and legal malpractice attorney Daniel Abrams, the course reviews all the main reasons why lawyers find themselves brought up on charges and what plaintiffs’ attorneys are looking for in a lawsuit. The course will explain the stages of representation where l... More Info

    1.3Ethics Credits
  • Principles of Agency: Foundation of Ethics

    The principles of agency law and the ethical as well as fiduciary responsibilities that each lawyer owes to their client is a critical part of the attorney/client relationship. This CLE course explains all of these duties and they apply to the wide variety of ethical questions that may arise whether intentionally or not. The course will also explain how these duties may or may not apply to third party relationships, and how to avoid predicaments which may call an attorney’s ethics into questio... More Info

    2.2Ethics Credits
  • Ethical Issues in Supervising Others: Can Their Misconduct Become Yours?

    Junior associates, law clerks, co-counsel and administrative staff—these are just some of the colleagues a practicing attorney works with on a daily basis. Within the guidelines of these relationships, therefore, all the rules of professional conduct apply. This CLE course will discuss the rules of professional conduct with an emphasis on how to approach instances of misconduct among others, particularly those on your staff, and the extent to which you may be held liable for the misconduct of ot... More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • Ethical Pitfalls Relating to Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    When it comes to ethical dilemmas, foresight is the best defense mechanism. Whether you are in solo practice or a large firm, most ethical problems can be avoided using risk managements techniques that can be implemented in advance of a problem arising. This CLE course will explain those techniques and address the most common ethical issues that arise in firms of all sizes as well as those particular to small or large firms. The course will advise on how recognizing and addressing issues before... More Info

    1.7Ethics Credits
  • Major League Baseball and Alex Rodriguez: An Opportunity to Examine Ethical Issues Arising from Labor Arbitration

    It is no surprise that it took the employment suspension of a famous athlete to bring labor issues to the public eye. In perhaps one of the mesmerizing labor issues in history—Major League Baseball’s season-long suspension of Alex Rodriguez played out on major media outlets across the country—the case generating investigation and intense controversy both within the industry and in the public mind and raising a variety of legal and ethical conflicts. This CLE course will explore these issues agai... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
Decorative Arc

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