Indiana CLE - Trial Skills Courses

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Indiana CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Approved CLE Sponsor (106648) by the Indiana Commission For Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Your Witness: The Art of Direct Examination

    Powerful witness testimony can make or break a case. While modern-day trial coverage seems to focus on sensational aspects such as DNA testing and CCTV footage, real cases, whether they be civil or criminal, are about actual people and while testimony has received a bad rap lately, it remains one of the most convincing tools in trial law. This CLE course will guide practitioners on how to craft powerful witness testimony and use it to its fullest advantage. More Info

    1General Credit
  • What to Say When You Receive a “Help Me!” Call: What Every Attorney Needs to Know About Defending Criminal Matters

    Though it may seem the type of drama which unfolds exclusively on a TV screen, every attorney will likely receive at least one middle of the night “Help! I’ve been arrested!” call over the course of his career. This CLE course will prepare you with the answers you need to advise clients about arrests, search in the context of DWI’s, breathalyzers, federal and New York State procedural issues in criminal matters, video surveillance, wiretaps and warrants. Presented by William McDonald, former Ass... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Everything Is a Negotiation: Strategies and Ethical Considerations for Attorneys

    Just because a negotiation tactic is standard practice, doesn’t mean it is the best one to use. In fact, countless deals have been undone, litigation protracted and relationships destroyed by the use of standard practice. This CLE course, presented by managing partner and business owner Joe Campolo, will present alternative negotiation strategies he relies on to close deals and find solutions to problems. Designed for both new attorneys and seasoned professionals, the course will provide you wit... More Info

    1.8Total Credits
    0.7 Ethics
  • Finding, Keeping and Preventing Problems with Clients is as Easy as A,B,C

    Presented by New York Tort Lawyer and radio host Kenneth Landau, this CLE course will provide over 100 tips and strategies on Finding, Keeping and Avoiding Issues with Clients. The course will educate lawyers on how to provide clients with the information they need to resolve and even prevent legal problems, strategies for encouraging consultations and giving seminars and even provide a proper approach to billing. The course will explain the reasons behind the typical antagonism most clients fee... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • Jury Selection: Strategies for Winning Your Case

    Jury selection involves an understanding of psychology, group dynamics and inherent bias. But are there ways to use jury selection to tip the scales in your client’s favor? This CLE course will explain the difference between selecting and de-selecting a jury, and the use of rhetorical questioning to preempt introductory statements. The course will explain how to use arguments to arm your jurors during deliberations and neutralize bias against your side. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Direct and Cross Examination of Experts at Trial under New Jersey Law and Procedure

    New Jersey’s Rules of Court can be complex and lack of knowledge can derail even a well-prepared expert witness. This CLE course will review the New Jersey Rules of Court and provide strategies for preparing and conducting successful direct and cross examinations of expert witnesses. More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Conduct and Defend Expert Depositions under New Jersey Law and Procedure

    Preparing an expert witness is tricky and the relevant Rules of Court in New Jersey are a must to ensure a successful deposition. This CLE course will review those rules and explain how to defend an expert deposition as well as provide strategies for conducting an adverse expert witness deposition. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Crafting a Case: Openings and Summations

    Crafting a compelling opening and summation can make or break a case. It’s a process that begins in the early stages of a case and the result will frame your argument and ultimately be a key element in your success. This CLE course will explain how to develop a persuasive opening and closing argument, how to develop the facts that bolster your position and deflect the information that weakens. The course will include a lively discussion and Q & A between famed attorney Ben Brafman and a Harvard... More Info

    2.1General Credits
  • Crash Course: Tips on Handling Car Accident Tort or Civil Cases

    Both novice and experienced litigators will benefit from this CLE program on Tort Scene Investigation. The course will review the initial client interview, Pattern Jury Instructions, and client communication. Offering tips and strategies to avoid client problems, as well as prepare clients for depositions, the course will explain how to evaluate damages, resolve discovery disputes and investigate SUM coverage and other insurance areas. Options for Alternative Dispute Resolution and other avenues... More Info

    1.8General Credits
  • Preparation and Presentation of Plaintiffs for Depositions

    The plaintiff deposition is an often-overlooked aspect of a plaintiff’s attorney’s case, when it may in fact be a key element to the strategy. This CLE course will help you properly utilize plaintiff’s testimony as ammunition against dispositive motions. The course will explain how to strategically position your client to present depositions in cases specific to personal injury attorneys. The course will review proper preparation and an overview of the entire process as well as tips and strateg... More Info

    1.1General Credits
Decorative Arc

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