Maryland CLE - All Courses

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Maryland CLE
Accreditation Info

CLE is voluntary for Maryland attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Guardianships: How to Plan for the Unplanned

    Life is full of the unexpected. And while it would seem impossible to plan for all contingencies, we can certainly plan for some. This CLE course will offer attorneys guidelines to assist clients in preparing for the unexpected such as with health care proxies, wills, and ultimate power of attorneys (POA). The course will explain the consequences of neglecting to put these measures in place, including the need for guardianship petitions. The course will extend the discussion to determining the... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Harassment in the Workplace: Awareness and Prevention

    Sexual harassment in the workplace is preventable. This CLE course will explain the policies, procedures and workplace practices that employees should avoid as well as utilize in the face of inappropriate behavior. The course will explain the policies that every business should institute along with a system for notifying employees of guidelines and avenues for reporting. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • How to Prepare a Matrimonial Case for Trial Step by Step

    Trial preparation often begins with the first interview. Matrimonial trials are no different where preparation begins with an initial intake form, a Statement of Net Worth and a detailed Preliminary Conference Order. This CLE course will offer a step-by-step review of the proper preparation procedures including discovery, subpoenas, a detailed Trial Notebook and overall coordination of trial strategy. The course will explain the key elements of proper preparation to ensure the best results. More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • Current Challenges and Opportunities in Office Leases

    Providing a comprehensive overview of office lease agreements, this CLE course will review the various components of these agreements as well as the negotiation process. The presentation will include subletting and assignments, tax escalation clauses, build-out terms, utility charges, free rent period, insurance, SNDA, notice provisions, personal guarantees, letters of credit, and good guy clauses. The course will conclude with a discussion of current market trends as well as a short Q&A. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Technology Ethics for Lawyers: What You Don’t Know Can Certainly Come Back To Haunt You

    Even for the tech-savvy attorney, the hidden dangers of email, social media and cloud based platforms may be unknown or not fully understood. This CLE course will identify and explain the risks of these tools and platforms and offer suggested solutions and strategies to minimize exposure. Best practices to maintain vigilance in protecting client data and overall risk management in the context of technology will be presented. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Leveraging Technology for Law Office Efficiency

    Designed for those who have resisted going full digital, this CLE course will present the concepts behind taking all functions to the cloud. The course will offer an introduction to owning a domain and integrated mail services as well as potential domain-wide integrations. The various types of practice management software and the advantages and disadvantages of the services they offer, the use of digital files and servers, the cloud vs. the private cloud, phone and fax systems and client commu... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Illinois Driver's License Issues as They Relate to a Client’s Immigration Status

    Addressing the common problems related to an undocumented immigrant applying for a Tourist Visa Driver’s License in Illinois, this CLE course will explain both the procedure and some of the issues a client may encounter in the process. The course will provide tips for addressing problems and strategies for guiding a client through the process efficiently and effectively. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The United States Supreme Court: A Foundational Model Approach to the 4th Amendment

    How to resolve a legal conflict wherein the very behavior that police officers believe to be their ace in the hole actually destroys their case? This is the issue with search and seizure – conduct that the majority of officers believe to be constitutional is not, and can actually harm their case. This CLE course will explain this conduct and the constitutional provisions of the 4th Amendment to clarify constitutional conduct as well as help attorneys navigate the situation in court. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How to Prepare for High Profile Cases

    High profile cases include the added pressure of intense media attention. This CLE course will explain how to effectively handle a high profile case and make the extra attention work to your advantage. Understanding what will pique the interest of local, national and international media as well as parameters to avoid breach of ethics in implementing these strategies will be addressed. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The United States Supreme Court: Recent Section 1983 Case Law

    This CLE course will review a series of Section 1983 cases recently decided by the US Supreme Court, specifically regarding officers’ use of force. The course will mainly focus on the three most expensive law suits pertaining to this issue including deadly force cases, non-deadly force cases, and probable cause “false arrest” type cases. More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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