Maryland CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Maryland. Please make your selection below of Maryland CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
Maryland CLE
Accreditation Info
CLE is voluntary for Maryland attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .
Conflicts of Interest in Capital Markets and Investment Banking
Conflicts of interest in capital markets and investment banking firms are more and more common. This CLE course will offer useful and effective tips and strategies for managing these conflicts from how to raise concerns to how to find remedies when conflicts arise. The course will present methods that firms may use to identify and mitigate risks associated with conflicts of interest as well as apply practical compliance approaches when they arise. The course will offer formal a... More Info
$291General Credit -
Considerations and Practices for Supervising Independent Contractors
Independent contractors are notoriously difficult to supervise. This CLE course will offer suggestions and examples of effective supervision and compliance methods that firms can implement to improve their supervision. The course will address existing rules and common industry practices and enable you to better understand the challenges inherent in supervising independent contractors. Oversight, cybersecurity policies and procedures will all be presented. More Info
$291General Credit -
Consolidated Audit Trail
Preparing for compliance with the consolidated audit trail (CAT) requires knowledge and strategy. This CLE course will explain preparation techniques including deadlines, resources and firm obligations. The course will announce key dates in the near future as well as resources available to help with preparation. More Info
$291General Credit -
Gamification, Mobile Apps and Digital Engagement
This CLE course will offer insights into the increasingly dynamic world of digital engagement practices including broker dealers’ mobile apps, gamification, marketing and online platforms. The course will explain how regulatory and compliance experts are addressing the rising use of data analytics to initiate digital communication. Risks and benefits of digital engagement features as well as how to effectively supervise these features will be presented as will the ways in which the fin... More Info
$291General Credit -
Hot Topics in Municipal Securities and Other Fixed Income
There have been a variety of recent enforcement actions related to municipal securities (e.g. 529 Plans, municipal short positions), fixed-income related rulemaking, examination priorities and other typical problems that are revealed during Member Supervision and Market Regulations reviews. This CLE course, presented by FINRA and MSRB staff, will explain recent enforcement actions on muni shorts and 529’s as well as address a variety of topics related to municipal securities and recent... More Info
$291General Credit -
Market Structure: What Factors Are Driving Changes
This CLE course will present the newest developments and trends in the industry. Presented by FINRA staff and industry practitioners, the course will offer tips and strategies for execution guidance and issues related to payment for order flow. Effective practices for reviewing and documenting execution as well as the technology currently available to process trades will be discussed. More Info
$291General Credit -
Options Markets: Recent Regulatory Issues
This comprehensive CLE course will feature FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss the regulatory issues that are currently impacting the options market. The course will explain the recent initiatives as well as the supervision of options trading in customer accounts. The course will also help you to identify effective controls, procedures and technology processes. More Info
$290.75General Credit -
Remote Supervision
Remote work has become the norm in the post-COVID world. This CLE course, presented by FINRA staff and industry panelists, will explain what they have learned as they moved to remote work. Presenters will discuss a wide range of issues including effective controls, processes and procedures being incorporated by member firms to address supervision in remote work environments. The course will enable you to identify these as well as evaluate effective practices that are emerging as a resu... More Info
$291General Credit -
Restricted Firm Obligations: What You Need to Know
Rule 4111 (Restricted Firm Obligations) went into effect recently, and creates new obligations and criteria for identification. This CLE course features FINRA staff as they present the new obligations under Rule 4111 as well as identify controls, processes and procedures that member firms have begun to implement to address the new obligations under the rule. The course will review the various identification metrics thresholds and explain restricted deposit accounts. More Info
$291General Credit -
Vendor Management: Due Diligence and Oversight
Choosing new vendors can be fraught with challenges. This CLE course, presented by FINRA staff and industry practitioners, will review the most important considerations when embarking on this type of decision. The course will address how to find technical solutions that fit your firm as well as best practices for conducting a due diligence review. Contract issue, new software implementation and an in-depth understanding of its limitations will be provided. The course will help you crea... More Info
$291General Credit