Maryland CLE - Contract Law Courses

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Maryland CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Maryland attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • NFL Contract Advisors: So You Want to Be An Agent

    The obligations of managing high profile athletes falls primarily on agents, and agents rely on lawyers to advise them. This CLE course will cover NFLPA certification requirements, agent eligibility, standards of conduct, particularly the NFL’s personal conduct policy, and prohibited actions for agents. The course will also cover contractual issues between agents and players and between players and teams. The course will also take a look at “bad client behavior” in the NFL, using real-... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Representing Comic Book Creator Clients

    The comic industry has seen some serious shifts in the last two years. This informative CLE course will present the fundamentals of representation in the comic book industry and explain new areas of litigation and transactional work. New distribution models, NFT’s and other developments and their impact on the industry will be explored along with topics of inclusion and diversity essential to successful representation. More Info

    3.25General Credits
  • Comic Book Contract Negotiation And Drafting

    An engaging CLE course designed to address the provisions common to comic book agreements and client interview exercises, participants will engage in mock negotiations while learning to spot common problems. The course, which is facilitated by experienced comic book industry attorneys, will also offer a hands-on guide to drafting and editing agreements. More Info

    2General Credits
  • A Hundred Little Things: Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Leases, Focusing on Technology, Ethics and COVID Amendments

    This advanced CLE course is designed for a variety of lawyers. It will focus on the use of Google sheets and AirTable as well as the ethical issues related to such tools. Using a Prime Time TV sublease to dissect ethical issues, the course will delve into a variety of ways clients might be impacted by COVID with regards to leases and CRE long term, business and restaurant advisors, work from home issues and curbside eating and delivery. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Matrix Resurrected: Employment Non-Competes Across State Lines

    Offering a comprehensive overview of US law concerning restrictive covenants, covenants not to compete, solicitation agreements and other non-compete terms in employment agreements in various state jurisdictions, the CLE course will look at the statutory, judicial and other frameworks states use to address these issues. The course will offer practical advice for those who review non-compete provisions in employment agreements or for the purpose of negotiating and drafting such agreem... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Introduction to Chapter 11, Subchapter V: An Accessible and Affordable Option for Small Businesses

    Between stimulus payments and eviction moratoriums, bankruptcy filings have reached record lows. This assistance, however, provided on a federal and state level in response to COVID-19, will not last forever. When these expire, small businesses looking for a new means of support can turn to Subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy code, which this informative and timely CLE course will present. The course will offer a step-by-step guide for plan approval as well as commercial lease... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • The Anatomy of a Criminal Law Case

    This CLE course will present the basics of criminal law from a practical standpoint beginning with the initial phone call all the way through to the courthouse. The course will explain every part of the process from dealings with clients and their families to ADA’s, court staff and juries. Fee negotiations, pleas, cooperation agreements, Supreme Court procedures and motion practice will all be addressed. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Oh Brave Commercial New World: The New Reality of Name, Image, and Likeness in Collegiate Athletics

    This CLE course serves to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding the recently enacted laws that permits college athletes to earn money from the use of their Name, Image & Likeness (NIL) without risking their college eligibility. While there are some restrictions, the response of the NCAA in lifting their rules, even in states where the law wasn’t passed, enabled collegiate athletes, previously barred from endorsements or other earnings, to pursue opportunities much the way professional athl... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Navigating Landlord Tenant Disputes in A Post-COVID World

    Landlord/tenant litigation and dispute resolution has undergone a massive upheaval as a result of COVID-19. Enforcing what was previously straight-forward lease defaults, such as non-payment of rent, have been increasingly difficult as a result of evolving procedural requirements resulting from a tide of Executive and Administrative Orders. This CLE course will seek to summarize the current procedural stature of landlord/tenant litigation in Supreme and Civil Court, as well as offer a... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Foreclosure: Mastering After The Sale Challenges

    This comprehensive CLE course will prepare real estate attorneys to manage standard post foreclosure sale processes as well as manage client expectations and those of other involved parties. The course will assist attorneys in identifying potential post-foreclosure sale challenges and proactively strategize in how to address and solve them. The course will cover: Post-judgement costs Interest Attorney fees Bankruptcy Missed liens Possession Procedural challenges More Info

    1.75General Credits
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