Maryland CLE - Government and Military Courses

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Maryland CLE
Accreditation Info

CLE is voluntary for Maryland attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Proving a Federal Social Security Disability Claim

    As with much of government protocol, submitting a federal social security disability claim is amazingly complex and it’s critical to understand the rules before trying to prove such a claim. This CLE course will review the entire process from beginning to end and explain how to evaluate the validity of a federal social security disability claim, burden of proof, the various types of acceptable evidence, and the importance of work history. The course will also review strategies for succ... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Military Justice: A Primer

    The typical attorney’s understanding of military justice is most likely informed by the media and is therefore subject to a number of misconceptions and misunderstandings. But given our nation’s continuous involvement in conflicts overseas, the need to understand the basic elements of this branch of the justice system is growing. This CLE course offers a “boot-camp” introduction to military justice to dispel some of the fictions, demystify the process and provide the practitioner with... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Introduction to New Jersey Municipal Court Practice

    To the uninitiated, the Municipal Court system can be quite foreign to even the most seasoned attorneys. Learn everything you need to know to navigate the Municipal Courts in NJ in this detailed CLE course. The course will introduce New Jersey Court Rule Section 7 and review charges cognizable in Municipal Court. The course will also review: Filing Complaints Procedural Issues Failure to Appear Guilty Pleas Filing Motions Pretrial Motions Trial Procedures Plea Bargaining Divers... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Social Security and Disability Claims: A Primer

    A sharp increase in Social Security Disability applications is just one the effects of the aging population and national recession. The majority of applicants are initially denied resulting in a deluge of applicants requesting hearings before Administrative Law Judges to have their claims approved. Presented by nationally recognized New York Social Security Attorney Troy Rosasco, this CLE course offers a complete introductory guideline for lawyers new to Social Security Disability claims. With h... More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Overview of State and Local Contracting Issues & Practice in New Jersey

    A thorough review of New Jersey’s Contracting issues, this expansive, two-part CLE course looks at both state and local methods and requirements. The first part, entitled New Jersey State Government Contract Law and Process is presented by Patrick D. Kennedy, Esq. and offers a broad overview of contracting methods and accepted alternatives. Kennedy then offers an in-depth look at areas such as interactions with procuring entity, specifications, constructing challenges in contract awards, bid pro... More Info

    2.5General Credits
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