Massachusetts CLE - Business Law Courses

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Massachusetts CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Massachusetts attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Scanning Copyright: Surveying the Fundamentals

    As the internet and social media enable us to share more and more, the concept of copyright begins to seem vague. What does it mean to own a book, a movie, a picture? This CLE course will explain copyright, what it is and the many ways the legal system has endeavored to protect it while others seek to exploit. The issue of international copyright, and the various conditions of copyright as well as how the idea was conceived and for what purpose will all be discussed. The distinction between co... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Drafting Enforceable Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation Clauses: Important Considerations to Know

    Restrictive covenants are typical tools employers use to decrease competition and millions of employees in the US are under some form of non-competition or non-solicitation agreement. The courts’ view of these agreements vary from that of employers as they seek to ensure that they are reasonable and don’t unduly restrict competition in the market. This CLE course will focus on these types of agreements, how to draft them, and necessary components to create an enforceable restricted covenant in... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • 10 Key Practical Issues when Reviewing and Drafting Commercial Office Leases

    Commercial leases may differ from residential ones in a variety of ways, and each has its own set of considerations. Attorneys guiding clients in commercial lease contracts have to account not only for the deal they make now, but how that deal will play out in the long term. This informative CLE course will review everything an attorney needs to know including his unique role in the transaction, space considerations relative to leasing and rent, how to construct term sheets, security and utili... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Effective Corporate Governance and Oversight

    Designed to define and illustrate the impact of corporate governance and oversight in preventing governmental prosecution and enforcement, this CLE course will explain the role that boards of directors, senior management and others in an organization to create an effective corporate governance and oversight structure. The course will also explain ethics programs and enterprise risk management frameworks that these structures may require as well as the types of “independent” directors that a bo... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Strategies for Successful Mediations and Negotiations

    The mediation process involves looking at a case from a variety of angles, understanding the ultimate goal and employing the necessary strategy in order to achieve it. The nature of the dispute and relative bargaining positions of the parties are key elements to how that strategy is devised. This CLE course will explain the position v. interests stance of mediation and how the terms BATNA and Re-Framing may play into the strategies that are employed. Additional strategies, such as those with t... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Blowing the Whistle: Keeping Young Athletes Safe from Sexual and Physical Abuse and Sexual Exploitation in Sports

    Congress passed and President Trump signed into law an extension of the Ted Stevens Amateur Sports Act, called Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act, which dramatically changes how all sports organizations that are part of the United States Olympic Committee’s governing structure report and handle matters of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, youth protection, youth exploitation and physical abuse. But the bill also has far ranging impact in establishing the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Swimming Against the Tide: Maintaining Athletic and Institutional Integrity in Collegiate Athletics

    Compensation for college athletes is set to undergo sweeping changes with two pending class action suits, Alston & Jenkins, both in the District Court for Northern District of California. This riveting CLE course will look at the potential changes to the financial model for intercollegiate athletes as a result of current antitrust litigation. The course will examine the legal issues that college athletics face on a daily basis including issues of gender equity and sexual violence, behavior and... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The New York State Sexual Harassment Prevention Laws: Two New Laws for the “Me Too” Era

    Over the last year, New York has passed some groundbreaking anti-sexual harassment legislative package. In April 2018, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation setting a deadline for employers to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy and conduct employee training. The law also prohibits employers from including non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment settlements except with additional document concurrence as well the use of mandatory arbitration clauses in workplace harassment sui... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Business Divorces: What to Know and Do When a Partnership Ends

    Divorce is a harrowing experience regardless of the relationship and some business partnerships can be as intense as a marriage. This CLE course will examine the process of a business divorce, when one or more owners of a privately held business legally separate their respective interests either through a dissolution or buy-out. The course will explore the strategic considerations in such a decision as well as the legal concepts involved in representing a client going through a business divorce.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Succession Planning for Lawyers & Strategic Growth for Law Firms

    Succession planning is a fraught process. Highly charged and complicated, the planning requires contingency plans for a myriad of different possibilities. This CLE course will provide an overview of the many types of succession plans including internal planning, external planning and contingency planning in the case of unexpected and sudden disability or death. The course will also provide checklists for planning and implementation for both senior and new and growing firms. More Info

    1.5General Credits
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