Massachusetts CLE - Trial Skills Courses

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Massachusetts CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Massachusetts attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Maritime Law: Personal Injury and Property Damage in Small Boat Cases

    Maritime law is a wide and complex subject area. This CLE course will assist non-maritime lawyers grasp the legal issues so as to properly advise clients. The course will assess property damage cases, such as when a towboat hits a pier, and personal injury cases, such as when someone was standing on the pier when the tugboat hit, within the context of maritime law. The course will address underlying theories related to comparative fault, liability, personification of the vessel and in rem liab... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Evaluating and Negotiating Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    Settlement is often the method to resolve insurance bad faith cases, but the distinctive nature of these claims makes their value difficult to assess. This CLE course will explain the considerations that are critical for both policyholders and insurance companies to be aware of when attempting to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. The course will be presented by attorneys with years of knowledge and experience in successful resolution of bad faith insurance cases. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Five Critical Developments in Class Action Litigation

    One of the most consistently evolving areas of jurisprudence, class action litigation also has the highest stakes of any field of litigation and the broad guidelines of Rule 23 results in a wide array of both practical and academic debates. This CLE course will address recent development in five major areas of the law as they relate to class litigation. These theoretical and practical presentations of Article III jurisprudence, arbitration, administrative feasibility, post-Rule 23(e) c... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Introduction To New Jersey Civil Motion Practice

    The structure of the New Jersey Court System is more complicated than it would appear. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive understanding of the system including motions and the purpose of filing them, common motions in civil cases in New Jersey as well as the rules which govern how they can be filed. The course will conclude with an overview of recent changes to court rules. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Lost in Translation The Pitfalls of Obtaining Testimony Across Boundaries of Language, Culture and Class

    Obtaining testimony relies on one’s ability to interpret information, and then accurately convey it to others. It is more art than science and much can get lost in translation, even when all parties are speaking the same language. This CLE course will explain the limitations and potential pitfalls that witness testimony may encounter in our judicial system and will highlight the most important strategies to ensure a successful outcome. More Info

    4General Credits
  • Ethics of Legal Writing

    Ethical issues can befall even the most experienced attorneys. This CLE course will examine five of the more common ethical pitfalls in writing, including plagiarism, frivolous writing, failure to cite adverse authority, incivility in legal writing, and ghostwriting. The course will explain how to avoid crossing the line between ethical and unethical writing with the goal of helping attorneys evaluate their writing for appropriate advocacy. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Fundamentals of Orthopedics for Lawyers: Anatomy, Injuries, and Common Procedures

    Orthopedic procedures are common in legal proceedings involving an injury. This may take the form of a defective product in a knee implant, pedicle screw or biologic such as Norian. This CLE course will present procedural considerations in such a case as well as review relevant case law, anatomy and an explanation of common orthopedic surgical procedures attorneys should be familiar with. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Front Loading the Litigation: The Keys to Pretrial Advocacy

    The pre-trial process is critical to the final outcome of a case. This CLE course, presented by Reuben Guttman and JC Lore, authors of Pretrial Advocacy explain that the changes to the standards that govern pleading, class certification, summary judgement, discovery, and experts, as well as the advent of social media and other electronic information, have completed altered the way litigation is handled. The course will address the major evidentiary and procedural rules that impact the... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Spy Torts: When the Other Side Overreaches

    This informative CLE course will present the common law and statutory causes of action related to privacy invasion. This may include wiretapping, trap and trace methods, tracking devices and video or other surveillance. The course will also focus on the case law related to invasion of privacy and its impact on claims in civil litigation, employment and family law. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Key Considerations of Intellectual Property Litigation

    Covering the key aspects of Intellectual Property litigation, with a special focus on the 3 primary areas including patents, trademarks and copyright, this CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview as well as a discussion of pre-suit investigation and considerations. The course will cover filing a lawsuit, unique features of IP litigation, damages, settlements, and resolutions. Recent cases and relevant statutes that impact IP litigation will also be addressed. More Info

    1General Credit
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