Michigan CLE - Contract Law Courses

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Michigan CLE
Accreditation Info

CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • An Overview of State and Local Contracting Issues & Practice in New Jersey

    A thorough review of New Jersey’s Contracting issues, this expansive, two-part CLE course looks at both state and local methods and requirements. The first part, entitled New Jersey State Government Contract Law and Process is presented by Patrick D. Kennedy, Esq. and offers a broad overview of contracting methods and accepted alternatives. Kennedy then offers an in-depth look at areas such as interactions with procuring entity, specifications, constructing challenges in contract awards, bid pro... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • A Lawyers Guide to Theatre Production

    You might not assume that lawyers would be interested in breaking into “the business,” but the legalities of representing theatre production can be quite complex and altogether fascinating. Enough so that our esteemed lecturer, Donald C. Farber, authored, among other works, From Option to Opening, a book which details theatre representation from beginning to end. Beyond the standard Literary Purchase Agreement, Farber reviews the many agreements which deal with the relationship between the crea... More Info

    2.5General Credits
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