Michigan CLE - Contract Law Courses

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Michigan CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • From Panel to Publisher: Representing Comic Book Creator Clients

    As comic book stories and characters have come to dominate everything from theatres to video game consoles, ancillary markets such as merchandise and digital publishing, have flourished as well. Presented by prominent attorneys in the comic book industry, this CLE course will present recent trends in the business and the fundamentals of representing industry clients. The course will explain how to build a solid intellectual property foundation and related contracts, publishing properties and agr... More Info

    3General Credits
  • High Rent Luxury Deregulation in New York City: A Brief History

    Using the recent Altman case decision to illustrate the current state of law, this CLE course will examine the history of Luxury Deregulation in NYC and its ramifications for landlords and tenants. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Managing Construction Risks

    The most reliable aspect of any construction project is the unknown. Scheduling delays, unanticipated expenses, liens, property damage and even personal injury are just some of the potential unforeseen elements. This CLE course, presented by construction attorneys and industry experts Tannenbaum Helpern, will provide real-life anecdotes and essential tips and strategies to help owners minimize and plan for risks in construction projects. The course will explain how to budget for unexpected costs... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Illinois Mechanics Liens

    What is a mechanics lien and what are the advantages if asserting one? This CLE course will provide a complete overview of the Illinois Mechanics Lien statute 770 ILCS et. seq. and explain what can be asserted and against who or what, the requirements for asserting such a lien, the process, limitation, filing schedule and how to assert liens on public funds, such as municipality-owned projects. More Info

    1General Credit
  • What You Need to Know About New Federal Employment Laws

    On December 1st, a series of sweeping changes to federal overtime rules will come into effect. This CLE course will review the new rules and their impact from the pay raise that will result from the increase in salary threshold for overtime exemptions to the effect of raises on typically low-wage workers. The course will review the industries where the changes will have the biggest impact such as media, entertainment, advertising and hospitality, where until now even skilled workers couldn’t dep... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Five Reasons to Read Your Construction Contract

    Contracts are notoriously complicated. Even after parties have agreed to a deal, the details in the resulting contract may not reflect what you had agreed upon. This CLE course will review the areas to watch out for in any agreement with a contractor or sub-contractor to ensure you are protected against potential risks and shifting circumstances. The course will review: • Indemnity clauses • Order changes, claims and notice requirements • Payment requirements and schedules... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Nuts and Bolts of Florida Contracting Licensure

    A private individual wishing to embark on a construction project should theoretically be able to hire anyone they want to do the job. But in Florida, that is not the case. There are strict licensing requirements for contractors and consequences for those who take on a project without a license. What are those requirements, how do you get licensed and who needs licenses, as well as consequences for those who try to sidestep the process will all be discussed in this informative CLE course. More Info

    1General Credit
  • What Attorneys Need to Know About Miller Act Payment Bond Claims

    The Miller Act was designed to protect the rights of payment to prime contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers on federal construction projects. This CLE course will explain the Miller Act and how it works to secure those rights and include an explanation of: • Claimants the Act covers • Final Furnishing • Subs in privity with the prime contractor • Those not in privity with the prime contractor • Releases • Statute of limitations • Lawsuits More Info

    1General Credit
  • Everything Is a Negotiation: Strategies and Ethical Considerations for Attorneys

    Just because a negotiation tactic is standard practice, doesn’t mean it is the best one to use. In fact, countless deals have been undone, litigation protracted and relationships destroyed by the use of standard practice. This CLE course, presented by managing partner and business owner Joe Campolo, will present alternative negotiation strategies he relies on to close deals and find solutions to problems. Designed for both new attorneys and seasoned professionals, the course will provide you wit... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • How Did this Lease Land on my Desk? The Lawyer’s Guide to the Business of Commercial Real Estate Leasing

    This CLE program covers the major clauses of a commercial office lease from the perspective of your client. The purpose of the class is to impart to the practicing attorney the practical implications of various clauses and how they may affect the day-to-day operation of a business. It also provides an understanding of all the work that goes into negotiating a lease before it reaches the attorney’s desk. More Info

    1.5General Credits
Decorative Arc

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