Michigan CLE - Contract Law Courses

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Michigan CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • An Overview of Construction Lien Law

    Lien law in the US dates back over 200 years and as you might imagine, much has changed since the early 1800’s. Unfortunately, not all the definitions included in the codified law has changed with the times. This CLE course will examine NYS lien law and construction issues with regards to landowners and renters, explain its parameters, issues of consent and the pre-requisites and individuals who may file. The course will review property identification, time periods, and service requirements. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Use of Subpoenas in Arbitration

    This CLE course will explain the process for using subpoenas in arbitration and how to avoid or overcome the limits and difficulties which may be encountered when using them. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Commercial Collections Primer

    This CLE course, presented by veteran commercial collections litigator Carol G. Morokoff, will present the potential pitfalls of the practice as well as strategies for preparing and executing an effective and successful strategy. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Regulatory, Contract, and Licensing Issues in the Hospitality Industry

    Tourism is big business in a city like New York, where even the residents are reliant on the hospitality industry. Hotels, restaurants, clubs and tours are all an inherent part of what makes New York City unique and business operators require up-to-date, accurate and reliable information to keep their businesses compliant with the city’s always evolving laws. This CLE program focuses particularly on restaurants and the challenges they face in opening a new space. The course offers a detailed ove... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Oil, Gas, and Mineral Leasehold Issues

    In the interaction between landowners and oil companies, owners have the upper hand and oil companies are increasingly forced to sign leases that are owner-friendly. Presented by Oil and Gas attorney and expert Josh Stein, this CLE course will offer strategies for drafting leases, explain how to protect clients—both landowners and oil companies—and how to correct or exploit errors and ambiguities in lease agreements. The course will review the most common ambiguities and explain how the various... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Preparing and Reviewing Oil and Gas Title Opinions

    Faulty titles in vast tracts of Texas land combined with a lack of standardization in how title opinions are drafted has made professional, well-written opinions that can be relied upon an instrument of negotiation in disputes. Routinely sold between landowners and oil companies, these title opinions may be used as a basis for settlement even decades after they are written. This CLE course, presented by Oil and Gas attorney Josh Stein, will address the different forms of title opinions and their... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Understanding Easements and Right of Way

    Presented by Oil and Gas attorney and expert Josh Stein, this CLE course will provide an overview of easements, particularly in Texas and how they may impact oil and gas title examination. The course will explain the importance of identifying the location of easements to avoid obstruction or accidental drilling and how to differentiate easements from other instruments. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Understanding Interests in Oil and Gas Lands and Production

    The theory of “ownership in place” creates a unique position for the laws surrounding oil and gas companies. The theory, which stipulates that reserves can maintain their status in perpetuity, allows legal agreements, including those that are ambiguous or erroneous, to be upheld even centuries later. This CLE course will examine the creation and interpretation of oil and gas land and production interests and how some of the most common sources of ambiguity, including severance and royalties, may... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • How to Structure Employment Agreements and Employee Equity Offerings to Avoid Section 409A Tax Traps

    Almost any agreement, arrangement or program for the deferral of compensation for employees or service providers is effected by Section 409A of the tax code. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive overview of Section 409A and its primary provisions. The course will also explain the framework for structuring a stock option as well as ensure compliance for phantom equity plans and agreements related to employment and severance. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Arbitrator Impartiality in Tripartite Arbitration: A Comparison of Jewish and Secular Law

    The typical arbitration panel consists of three arbitrators—one chosen by each party who then choose the third. Much like panels orchestrated by Jewish Law going back thousands of years, party-appointed panels are the norm. But can a panel of which two-thirds has been chosen by a specific party truly be considered neutral? Viewing the issue from a comparative law perspective, this CLE course will explore the unique set of ethics surrounding tri-partite arbitration and the nuances of how the agre... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
Decorative Arc

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