Michigan CLE - Contract Law Courses

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Michigan CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • The Role of Written Representations in M&A Contracts

    The role of representations in M&A transactions is well-established. It is critical that written representations are clearly expressed and that parties understand the nuances in M&A contract representations. This CLE course will review how to make representations and their qualifications, exceptions to representations, the use of disclosure schedules and updating representation schedules, “bringing down” representations at closing and the relationship between representations and indemnificatio... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Laws Of Arbitration As It Applies to Rabbinical Courts

    According to Jewish law, it is a requirement to settle legal disputes in the rabbinical, rather than secular courts. Known as a Beit Din, rabbinical courts are dictated by rules and procedures that most attorneys are unfamiliar with. This CLE course will explain how to navigate the rabbinical court system, how to craft arbitration agreements, the rules of marriage and divorce and the relationship between the rabbinical and secular court system in enforcing judgments. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Negotiating Skills for Lawyers: How to Win Gracefully

    The theatre business is one of meager opportunities, unpredictable personalities and greatly inflated egos. And so there is perhaps no better industry in which to hone one’s negotiating skills than theatre. This CLE course, presented by a veteran negotiator of the theatre industry, offers general guidelines as well as specific strategies that can be applied to nearly any industry. Amidst a wealth of entertaining anecdotes, the course reviews: Assessing your bargaining power Prioritiz... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Fundamental Concepts in Drafting Contracts: What Most Attorneys Fail to Consider

    A great deal of the dispute in contract negotiations is about the terms of the agreement. And yet, inconsistencies and imprecision in how even agreed upon concepts are expressed in a contract can cause tremendous and potentially costly conflicts. Honing your contract-drafting skills is thereby essential to any attorney who deals with transactions. This CLE course is designed to explain the essential, but often overlooked principles in drafting, analyzing and interpreting contracts. As opposed... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Players on the Picket Line: Sports Lockouts

    The image of major athletes on a picket line seems so unlikely as to be almost ludicrous. And yet, the major sports leagues have a history of conflict and instances of lockout. Presented by industry expert Robert Boland, this fascinating CLE course will inform agents, attorneys and sports enthusiasts of the differentiation between lockouts and strikes, when they’re used and how they affect players, managers and owners. The course will also offer a history of labor conflicts in sports and review... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing the Players: A Guide to Sports Contracts

    Sports representation is exciting, fast-paced and, if you’re lucky, media frenzied. But like any type of representation, the foundation of the relationship with the client is a legal-based contract. This CLE course will explain sports contracts in their entirety and will include a review of: Types of sports contracts Contract restrictions Ethical issues Sports vs. standard contracts Negotiation strategies Contract provisions Mitigation procedures Te... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing the Space Challenged Tenant: Tips and Traps in Small Office Leasing

    Negotiating on behalf of small office tenants may seem like a straightforward, simple operation. But the various complexities involved in small office tenant agreements can lead to aggressive negotiations and it's important to know how to best represent your client. This informative CLE course will explain how to forcefully negotiate on behalf of your small office tenant client and will review the various terms of tenant agreements such as issues of insurance, subletting, indemnity, maintenance,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Sports and the Law

    Professional sports have never seemed less professional. Between accusation of misconduct and the expiration of the Collective Bargaining Agreements in most sports, legal action has overshadowed athletic prowess in the sports pages. This CLE course presents a unique opportunity to hear from the Chair of the Sports Business faculty at New York University and a former sports agent and sports law expert explain the impact of sports’ legal entanglements. The course will also explore issues regarding... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Freedom of Contract or Freedom from Contract? A Comparison of the Various Jewish and American Traditions

    A historical look at the evolution of contract law, this CLE course focuses on the Talmudic and American contract models. The course will discuss the construction of the legal system under Jewish law, which does not include a system of bi-lateral contracts. The course will look at both systems within the context of the sale of land and of other goods. The course will also explore the freedom of contract as a legal doctrine. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA)

    A detailed introduction to the Fair Debt Collection Act (FDCPA), this CLE course is presented by Harvey Rephen, who specializes in consumer protection from abusive and illegal debt collection. A compelling, overview of the FDCPA and an explanation of the various restrictions placed on debt collectors, this course will also explore the proper parameters of communication between debtors and third parties, prohibited practices, and civil liabilities with regards to collection agencies. More Info

    1.25General Credits
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