Michigan CLE - Securities Law Courses

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Michigan CLE
Accreditation Info

CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Collateralized Debt Obligations and Credit Default Swaps: A Guide for Lawyers

    What are Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and Credit Default Swaps (CDS)? How did they come to play, and continue to play, such prominent roles in the global economy? Ever wanted to know the difference between a CDO and a CLO? What are TruPs CDOs? And why are they so controversial as to remain in news headlines today? Get a real understanding of CDOs and CDSs, how they are structured and the litigation landscape regarding these investments today. This CLE course, presented by... More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • What Attorneys Need to Know About Capital Markets and Ratings

    Ratings play a critical role in today's capital markets and the global economy. While lawyers come across ratings every day, they may not know what a rating actually means. Many do not understand the role that ratings played in the Credit Crisis. This informative CLE course presented by Jack Chen, a New York attorney and ratings expert, explains everything a lawyer should know about ratings and rating agencies. The course examines the regulatory framework and explains who uses ratings... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Introduction to Structured Finance

    An alphabet soup made up of RMBS, CMBS, CDOs, SIVs have been in the press for the last few years and while they perform an integral part of the capital markets, few know what they are. Some commentators and regulators have alleged that these sophisticated financial instruments were responsible for the Credit Crisis that nearly destroyed the global economy. What are these structured products, how do they work and who created them? New York attorney and subject matter expert Jack Chen... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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