Michigan CLE - Trusts and Estates Courses

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Michigan CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • Technology and Estate Planning

    Current technologies, as well as developing systems, can offer many solutions for practitioners who provide estate planning services. While some are already in use, albeit in a limited way, others have just recently begun to be adapted, and even those are not necessarily making full use of their applicability in creating a more efficient and creative format for clients. This CLE course, presented by Betsy Ehrenberg of Legacy Concierge, will present various software solutions to help attorneys... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Creative Cutting Edge Trust Planning Strategies

    The concern over future changes to the tax code, combined with the recent changes made in the Jobs Cut Tax Act and developments such as the Wacker case and its impact on self-settled trusts have impacted trust planning across the income spectrum. This CLE course will review planning techniques, from the creative and cutting-edge to the straightforward and standard, that will help you better serve your clients in the current environment. The uses of non-grantor trusts for income tax and other ben... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Asset Protection Planning

    Minimizing a client’s exposure to risk in advance of a risk presenting itself is a key role for any attorney. Asset protection is just one method of doing so. This CLE course will present planning strategies and solutions whether with business entities, or domestic and foreign trusts. The course will explain how to properly structure asset protection to shield clients using protective measures which anticipate potential issues. Potential protection structures, creditor solutions and issues relat... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Managing and Valuing Tangible Personal Property in Estates

    This CLE course will provide a comprehensive overview of the management and valuation of tangible personal property in trusts and estates. The course will define the scope of what property entails and explain how appraisals are conducted and their purposes, factors affecting valuation, authenticity, title, provenance and material regulation, determining qualified appraisers including those approved by IRS standards, the function of IRS Art Advisory Panels, and fractional interest. The course w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Copyright Infringement: How to Defend Lawsuits and Protect Assets

    Providing a comprehensive overview of copyright infringement, this CLE course will discuss the importance of registration, unsure defense and fair use as well as actual damages and profits. The course will review liability for employee action, the avoidance of liability and the use of independent contractors. Addressing both theoretical and practical implications, the course will discuss the protection of assets in the event of infringement, ownership entity structures for copyrights, collecti... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Estate Planning Retainer Agreements and Engagement Letters

    Misunderstanding can cause untold harm to the attorney client relationship – harm that retainer agreements seek to prevent. In that sense, retainer agreements present a critical step that attorneys can take to protect themselves from legal and ethical issues. This CLE course will explain these agreements, what they should include, how emerging technology impacts them, billing practices and when special precautions or clauses are relevant. The course will deal with broad guidelines and clause spe... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Advanced Planning with Trusts

    This informative CLE course will begin with a general overview of trusts and the concepts that are common to standard trusts. The course will then advance to more complex topics such as revoking irrevocable trusts, retaining control through trust protectors, special needs planning, trust flexibility and asset protection planning. More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Jersey Will Drafting Basics

    This CLE course, designed to teach the basics in drafting a will for a New Jersey client, will explain the statutory requirements that form the basis for a valid will. The course will present the 7 specific clauses and provisions and address the typical concerns of clients. Materials such as wills for a single person, for couples with a without children both young and adult and for couples with children from a former marriage, will all be presented. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Self-Settled Trusts After Wacker

    With a focus on the high rate of temporary estate tax exemptions, this informative CLE course will explain why Domestic Asset Protection Trusts (DAPT’s) are a critical planning tool and how they can be used to increase early use of exemptions. The course will explore the logic begins such use for income and estate tax purposes in today’s planning environment. Using the Toni 1 Trust v. Wacker case as an example, the course will explain available options such as solvency affidavits and searches... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Private Foundations vs. Donor Advised Funds: The Pros and Cons

    This CLE course will offer a comparative view of private foundations and donor advised funds. The course will present what each entity is, its purpose and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The impact of the current tax code and other laws, as well as foreseen changes, will also be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
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