Michigan CLE - Trusts and Estates Courses

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Michigan CLE
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CLE is voluntary for Michigan attorneys. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Medicaid Planning and Trusts: Planning for Your Client’s Incapacity

    The aging of the population has only exacerbated the prohibitive cost of long term care. This CLE course will explain the latest developments in Elder Law and Medicaid Planning including eligibility and strategies for asset protection. The tax consequences, including income and estate taxes and exemptions, of Medicaid Trusts will also be discussed as well as real property transfers, liquid assets and basis issues. More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Estate Planning and Charitable Giving after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

    The new tax laws will not be kind to charitable giving, and the impact on donations may be severe. This CLE course, designed, for donors, planners and fundraisers, will explain the Tax Cut Jobs Act and its impact on charitable giving. The course will review strategies for all tiers of donors to maintain their giving level and how development managers should reframe their requests in light of the new laws. The course will review: • Bunching deductions • IRA distributions for giving... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Planning for Real Estate Owners: Advanced Strategies for Attorneys

    This CLE course, designed to provide advisors with the broadest range of solution to tax issues, particular as they relate to real estate holdings, will present how various tax solutions maybe impact their decisions. The course will explain how to utilize knowledge of the income tax, gift tax and estate tax treatments to guide their clients. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Asset Protection and Estate Planning Under the New Tax Act

    The tax cut act created requirements in the area of transfer tax law and estate planning. This CLE course will explain those requirements and define the three critical steps necessary as well as pitfalls to avoid. The course will explain the use of irrevocable trusts to protect assets in case of divorce as well as asset protection planning, advanced trust and offshore structures and the protection of specific assets such as retirement, residences and others. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Trust Owned Life Insurance (TOLI)

    Just under half of the life insurance policies purchased between the early 80’s and 2003 were non-guaranteed universal life policies and of those, about a quarter are expected to lapse prematurely. This presents a serious crisis for life insurance policies, particularly those owned by trusts (TOLI). A premature lapse can cause grievous harm to those who are relying on the proceeds of those policies, and can result in suits against those who have mismanaged TOLI’s. This CLE course will... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Charitable Planning: Evolving Perspectives

    The very notion of philanthropy has evolved greatly in the past decade, but regardless of how charitable a person may be, there are still better and worse ways to provide funding for a cause. This CLE course will provide tips and strategies to advise client on the social and legal changes, as well as other issues, that affect charitable giving. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Crowdfunding: Meeting Humanitarian Needs

    Crowdfunding has become the go-to way to raise money for start-ups, causes and even individuals. But who is regulating these campaigns and what are the laws governing this approach? This CLE course will explain the legal and tax issues related to crowdfunding campaigns and provide the background and knowledge to advise those using crowdfunding campaigns on implementing them successfully, responsibly and within the confines of the law. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Non-Tax Considerations of Estate Planning

    Estate tax exemptions have had a dramatic impact on estate planning. Currently, very few decedents pay an estate tax and that will likely remain the case regardless of whether or not tax reform is enacted. This CLE course will address the wide-range of non-tax factors that affect estate planning. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues in Art Collecting: Practical Planning for Art Collectors & Their Advisors

    Art collections are not like other assets. Built upon personal vision, creativity and passion, they are difficult to evaluate, and even harder to incorporate into a comprehensive tax and financial plan. Whether you are a collector or an advisor, this CLE course will provide you with best practices to determine the ideal disposition of a collection. The course will review outcomes of buying, selling and donating collections both before and after death as well as practical considerations in collec... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Recent Developments with Practical Estate Planning Implications

    A series of recent developments might have a profound impact on estate planning, and practitioners would be wise to remain knowledgeable about these developments and how they impact clients. This CLE course will review these recent developments and how they affect estate planning from the prospect of repeal, portability new relief, issues affecting same sex couples, FLP’s, decanting, undue influence, lien release, asset protection and much more. More Info

    1.25General Credits
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