Litigation Bundle w/Webinars - Missouri CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Litigation Bundle w/Webinars. This Bundle contains 6 hours of on-demand courses and an additional 9 credits of Live Interactive Webinar classes that can be used for any of the upcoming events on our webinar calendar.

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Missouri MCLE
Accreditation Info

Missouri attorneys may earn all 15 credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
United Crest
Only $189
Save $259
Courses priced individually at $448

Litigation Bundle w/Webinars Includes:

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  • $29

    How to Prepare and Try a Car Accident Case in Front of a Jury

    General Credits: 1.2

    This CLE course is designed to equip attorneys with limited trial experience with the skills needed to prepare a case for trial and effectively present it to a jury. Participants will explore key aspects of trial preparation, from the initial stages of the case through closing arguments. The co...

  • $29

    Traumatic Brain Injury and Necessary Experts

    General Credits: 1.2

    To effectively pursue litigation involving traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), it is essential for any litigator to have a solid understanding of brain function, the causes and effects of TBIs, and the role of experts in these cases. This seminar offers a comprehensive overview of brain function and d...

  • $55

    How to Win Your Case Without Going to Trial

    General Credits: 2.4

    This CLE course, led by an experienced author and lecturer with over 50 years of litigation practice in State and Federal Courts, focuses on strategies for resolving cases without the need for trial—while also preparing you for the possibility of going to trial. Emphasizing that more than 90% of li...

  • $29

    Recent Supreme Court Decisions in Veterans Law

    General Credits: 1.2

    This CLE course explores a dynamic and increasingly significant area of law. With the Supreme Court's growing involvement in veterans law, there is heightened attention on ensuring constitutional consistency and adherence to Congressional intent in this specialized field. Landmark decisions, su...

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Start Immediately
from your home, office, or smartphone!
Only $189
Decorative Arc

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