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Accreditation and CLE Rules for Nevada
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education (50506) and directly approved by the Nevada Board of CLE.
Nevada attorneys are required to complete 13 credit hours every year including 2 credit hour of Ethics and 1 credit hour of Substance Abuse.
Nevada attorneys can earn all 13 CLE credit hours with us including 2 hours of ethics and 1 hour of substance abuse using our Online & iOS/Android App courses.
Nevada attorneys must complete their continuing legal education requirements by December 31st every year. Nevada attorneys must certify compliance to the NVCLE Board by February 15th and submit their annual fee to the state bar by March 1st each year.
You may carry forward a maximum of 20 general credits, 4 ethics credits, and 2 substance abuse credits that are in excess of the annual requirement. Extra ethics and substance abuse credits may be used to satisfy the general credit requirement. However, those credits cannot be used to satisfy the ethics requirement.
Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education (50506) and directly approved by the Nevada Board of CLE.
To view our full accreditation details please .
General Credits
For Access To This Course
All Courses Available iOS/Android Web
About This Course
The post-COVID world has companies completely re-imagining workplaces, whether actual or virtual. This CLE course will explain various fringe benefits of a distributed or hybrid workforce, including employment tax benefits and those being offered real-time to motivate workers to return to offices or remain in place.
The course will cover guidance from the IRS and various states on how to manage the complexities of these tax issued both in regards to reporting and withholding for employees.